Just like Titanic

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1 day later i woke up and just as yesterday i ran into my parents room and asked them what we will be doing today.
"me and your dad are going to go out for dinner while you will be in a programme called "summerball".
"What is that ?"
"Its a type of trip for kids around your age , you will go around L.a to see some monuments and make new friends."
"Well .... What about Tiaira ?"
"She is going to go to a different programme with kids her age aswell"
Well that was a little irresponsible to me, but then again , i left my sister all on her own in a shop in a different country .
"Alright then"

I was put in a crowd of people who were talking. I didn't really know what to do.
"Bye sweetheart" my mum said as she was walking away.
"Bye" i whispered
So here i was , just standing there like a fool. I was sitting on a bench when a black haired tall girl came up to me.
"Hey, i didn't see you here before . I suppose your new, my name is Ari."
"Im Bella , .... Its nice to meet you."
There was awkward silence.
"So where are you from Bella ?"
"Im from England. What about you ?"
"Im just from here"

"So is it nice there ?"
"Well its a nice place but the weather is mostly rainy."
"You know i always wanted to go to England, but i never got the chance"
"Oh why's that ?"
"My parents don't want to go and they would never let me go by myself"
"Come on guys lets go ! Follow straight behind me"The tourist lady said
"Come , you can hang out with me"
I followed her and we got onto a bus.
We arrived at a very busy place.
We got down and i was amazed by the view .It was only buildings but i still found it beautiful.
We stopped by a massive fountain and they let us make a wish.
I took out a coin , made a wish , and then threw it into the water.
"Are you not making a wish?" I asked Ari.
"No , i don't believe in these things"
"Oh , right..."
I was just staring at the water and thinking about what happened two days ago.
Why was he so bothered about me not linking him? Why did he kept smiling at me all the time ? And , why did he care so much about me?.
These questions kept rolling through my mind.
I turned around to see that my group was gone.
My heart started to race as i was trying to look over the crowds.
"Oh no no no NO"
They were all gone.
I started to panic. I asked many people if they saw a group and i tried to describe them best as possible but no one seemed to have seen them.
"Hey , yea sorry have you seen a group of people around my age ? They were here a second ago an----"
"No , sorry"
It was like this every time. How could i get lost ? I was only here for 3 days and i am already lost .
I kept walking in circles asking people about my group.
It was all the same answer.
About 15 minutes have passed and i was feeling like they wouldn't come back.
I just sat don't on the stone pavement of the fountain that was next to a wall.
I started to have tears in my eyes.

After 2 minutes someone tapped my shoulder.
"Hey , sorry are you alright ?"
He seemed familiar but i couldn't tell who he was because he had sunglasses and a moustache.
"No" i answered as i looked down at the ground.
"Maybe i could help" he said
"How ?"
"I need you to follow me"
"No ! , Are you crazy ! I am already lost and anyways i shouldn't trust strangers."
"Do you see that alleyway"he asked looking at the alleyway that was like 5 inches away.
"Just come there and then i can help"
"No ! I know what this is . Its a trap"
"Its not i promise , look its full of people and anyways you could scream and people would gather around in one second"
"Ok ... But i know karate so I'm warning you"
We went into the alleyway which was actually really bright
"Ok now help me"
He took off bis glasses and ripped of his fake moustache .
"Oh not you again" i said
"Hey I'm not the one who got lost in like 1 minute"
"Ok ok , just help me will you"
"I can take you back to your hotel just in time the group would arrive there"
"Ok , its called : Hotel Casel"
"Ok come"

We walked for 5 minutes together. I don't know why but i felt so confident with him.

"So .. Why are you doing this ? I mean , don't you have better things to do ? Cause your famous ----"
"Don't say that word , i don't like it , and I'm doing it because i care and i want to help."
We kept walking when we past a very very old building . It was empty and it was probably built in the 16th century.
"You really like this building don't you"
"Yeah .. A lot"
"Come lets go in"
"Wait no , we , i mean , i need to get back"
"Come on , don't you want to explore ? And we have plenty of time left"
"Well ... Ok but just for a little bit"

We went in and i was amazed. How come this house is empty?

"I know"he smiled at me
I smiled back but then quickly looked at the ground.
He ran upstairs pulling me by my hand.
"Where are we going ?"
"You'll see just close your eyes"
I was just running with my eyes closed and asked myself .
What am i even doing ? And why ?
I just didn't even care and when we stopped i felt the cold wind touch my skin.
"Ok just one more step. And open your eyes"
I opened my eyes to see that we were at the top of the building and i squealed up and took a step back.
"Whats wrong ? Are you scared of heights?"
He grabbed me by my wrist and held me just like in titanic.
"Do you trust me ?"
"I wouldn't if i wouldn't have come so far"
He lead me to the side of it. We were so close that i could feel myself falling down.
"Now open your eyes"
I opened them and i was amazed.
I didn't say a word i just smiled . Then i turned my face halfway around to meet Harry's already looking at me. I was leaning in when i realised what i was doing. I jumped up.
"We better go now"
"Oh right ..." He sounded disappointed.
We went home and the group was already there i said bye to him and he seemed sad.
"Thanks for helping me"
"Seems like I've helped you a lot"
"Haha yeah"
"So .... Bye"
"Don't say goodbye.."
"Because goodbye means leave and leaving means to forget..."
"Ok ... See you soon"
"See you soon"
There it was . The end of another crazy day.

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