Chapter 1

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"Bella," I hear my mother whisper gently, slightly dragging the end of my name.

"Isabella, darling," she repeats, this time slightly louder, her tone of voice sounding a bit agitated that I don't respond. I grab my duvet out of annoyance and pull it over my head, sliding down further into my bed in a cocoon position.

Bad move Bella. Just as I'm about to drift back off into a peaceful sleep, my mum yanks on the end of my duvet and rips it off of my bed, leaving me lying there in my Disney pyjamas, cold and about to explode.

"Mum! What the fuck was that for?! It's," I look at my bedside alarm clock which reads 08:30am, "Eight thirty on a Saturday and its not even light outside and this is how y-" my mum interrupts me,

"Bella! Stop shouting for just one minute! And for goodness' sake don't swear at me!" This makes me even more angry. As I'm about to protest she carries on with her probably stupid excuse, "Have you forgotten what day it is?" She stares blankly at me.

I glance at my calendar hanging on my bedroom door to read the date. It reads January 9th. How could I forget? The company my father works for is based all over Europe which means he is only home for one week every two months. Today is the day he is home again to spend a week with us.

I'm interrupted from my thoughts when my 12 year old brother, Alex barges into my room.

"What's all the shouting about?" He rubs his eyes looking slightly tired and annoyed, waiting for an answer.

"It seems that your sister has completely forgotten your dad is coming home today," my Mother tells Alex, both of them laughing, mostly mum. Alex rolls his eyes as he and my mother leave my room, closing the door behind them leaving me somewhat pissed off, yet happy at the same time.

"Isabella just get out of bed!" Mum calls as I sigh and drag myself, unwillingly out of bed.

So I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Isabella Rose Larksen and I'm 18 years old. You already know about Alex, who's annoying as hell, and I'm sure you've picked up on the fact that I rarely see my dad. My life isn't perfect, and I wouldn't say I'm the happiest girl in the world, but I'm okay, and I will be.


After I've managed to actually get out of bed and spent about 20 minutes showering, I open my wardrobe and pull out my black high-waisted jeans and my Green Day shirt, paired with my blue flannel shirt on top.

I look in the mirror and sigh, not completely happy with my reflection, I never really have been. I comb through my long, light brown hair and blow dry it before putting it in a pony tail.

A knock sounds on my bedroom door before my best friend, Tristan walks in and dumps himself on my bed. Tristan only lives a few doors away, he's like a brother to me and we've been best friends since we were about nine years old, so I don't find it weird that he randomly appeared at my house without texting me before hand.

"Oh morning Tris, I could have been naked for all you know, and you just strolled in," I laugh, obviously joking, whilst applying some foundation to my face, slightly surprised he's up this early.

"Shut up," he says and starts giggling.

"And don't you mean afternoon?" He chuckles, "Bella it's like 12pm already, gosh girl you're so lazy," he says in a camp voice. I roll my eyes at him, trying not to giggle before giving up on putting any makeup on as I throw myself back into bed, covering myself with the duvet so Tris can't see me.

He doesn't hesitate in yanking the duvet off of me and starts to tickle me, he knows how much I hate it, and takes advantage of this.

"Isabella Larksen, you are not being antisocial today," he says after I've calmed down and stopped screaming, with a stern look on his face trying to hold in a laugh.

"Come on, we're going out" he says casually.

"Tris I can't. My Dad is coming home today, remember?" I reply sitting up in bed.

"Yeah, I know but it's okay, I spoke to your Mum downstairs. She said he's not home until like 7pm" he shrugs and sits back down on my bed.

"Oh okay, let's go to Starbucks then, I'm thirsty," I reply putting my black converse on, getting maybe a little bit too excited for coffee.

"Yeah, thirsty for dick," he says with a cheeky grin, obviously joking.

"Tristan!" I shout, laughing. Just as I'm about to lunge at him, he grabs me by my legs, flipping me over his shoulder, and starts running around my bedroom like a loon.

"Hey! That's not fair," I whine, giggling slightly, whilst trying to wriggle from his grasp. He puts me down, still laughing before I kick the back of his knee to get back at him making him fall forwards onto my bed.

"Okay seriously now," Tristan says once he's calmed himself down, "I want Starbucks, let's go."
Hey guys!!
So this is my first attempt at a fanfic so it's probably shit :/ Please vote for me!!
See you soon x

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