Chapter 3

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Sometimes, it's not just a bad, but stupid idea to turn down a ride to school from your mum, when it's January and freezing cold. I stand under the bus shelter with my sweater sleeves pulled over my knuckles attempting to warm myself up.

I pull my headphones unwillingly out of my ears after 20 minutes of waiting, as the bus arrives, and I step on as I see Tristan and my two other best friends Connor and Alexa, spread across four seats, one spare for me.

"Hey guys," I yawn as I sit down next to Alexa, nearly drifting off to sleep. She flashes me a smile showing her perfectly straight teeth whilst I pull my backpack off my shoulder. Alexa has always been really beautiful, but she doesn't see it at all, she always finds a way to put herself down.

"Morning sleepy head, rough night?" Connor jokes, as I roll my eyes and playfully hit him in the arm.
"Aww, is liddle Belly Welly in a bad mood this morning?" Tris whines in a baby voice, with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Shut up you dicks, it's 8am what do you expect from me? A song and dance?" I reply in a sassy tone. Connor puts his arms up in defence before taking a bite into his sandwich, I swear that boy is always eating something.

"Well for 8am you're pretty sassy Bella", Alexa raises an eyebrow at me as Tris laughs at her remark, I just wave her off with my hand and look out the window. I guess Monday mornings aren't my best.

"Okay class, settle down now please, take your seats," Mr. Edwards calls as we pile into English, 5th Period.

"Just one more hour," I think to myself as I tap my pen on the table, willing the lesson to be over soon.

"Right," Mr. Edwards starts whilst writing the date on the board with an extremely annoyingly squeaky pen.

"Get your Shakespeare books out please and we'll go thr-" he's interrupted when two boys loudly storm into the classroom, late, slamming the door behind them and not bothering to apologise to the teacher.

I briefly recognise the two as James Mcvey and Brad Simpson. I've never had a conversation with either of them and I wouldn't care to. They're known as the popular bad boys, you know the type? They're obnoxious and arrogant and they know they're worshipped by the students that have nothing better to do, than to look up to people they've probably never spoken to, so they can keep their reputation.

Mr. Edwards looks towards them over his small round glasses as Brad and James are about to take their seats at the back of the classroom.

"Uh, no no no. You're already ten minutes late, you two are not sitting next to each other." They both huff, and Brad murmurs something under his breath before crossing his arms.

"James, stay where you are. As for you Brad, you can sit," he searches the room before his eyes land on the spare seat right next to me. Please not next to me, I'm really not in the mood. "Ah, go sit next to Isabella." He points towards my desk. "And take your hat off, you're in school not a skatepark."

For fucks sake. I look over to Tris and Connor who are sat a few desks away, as they give me apologetic looks although they look somewhat amused.

Of course it would be me that would have to put up with an annoying self-obsessed boy for an hour. I sigh loudly and roll my eyes as Brad walks towards my desk. He slumps into the chair without making eye contact with me, sprawling himself across the desk leaving hardly any room for me.

I scoot my seat to the side, away from Brad's side of the desk and rest my elbows on the desk, with my face in my hands and sigh for about the hundredth time today.

"Don't act like a bitch, it's not like I chose to sit next to you," Brad says quietly but sharply, still facing forwards. Wow, I've never even spoken to him. If he wants to start an argument, I'll give him just that.

"Don't act like a dick, it's not like I chose to have a bad day," I cross my arms and lean back to look at the clock. Just half an hour to go, surely I can go 30 minutes without ripping my hair out?

"Oh, get over yourself, it's just a seat for fucks sake," he replies maybe too loudly in a silent classroom. Why is he being such a dick?

Mr. Edwards turns around quickly, "Brad! I've had enough. You've just earned yourself a detention."

I snigger before Brad throws his hands in the air in annoyance. Unfortunately Mr. Edwards caught me.

"Oh you find that funny Isabella? You can join him then." Brad scoffs as if it was the best thing to come out of Mr. Edwards' mouth, I'm pretty sure I heard James laughing too from behind me. This day couldn't get any worse could it?

"What?! That's not fa-" I try to protest, but he won't take any of it.

"I'll see you both after the lesson in detention, end of."

Brad looks at me, making eye contact for the first time, giving me a look as if to say "thanks a lot".

I'm beginning to really hate English.


The bell finally rings, signalling the end of English - thank god. Just as I'm about to get up and leave, I remember that I have detention. With Brad.

Usually Mr. Edwards is laid back and hardly ever gives out detentions, his cat must have died or something.

"When you're ready, you're dismissed." he announces to the rest of the class, "apart from Brad and Isabella, you two can stay seated in here for 30 minutes." Brad mumbles something under his breath, clearly as annoyed as I am.

After everyone has filed out of the classroom, Mr. Edwards picks up the things from his desk and starts making his way out of the classroom before stopping at the door, "your behaviour today was both distracting and inappropriate, so you're going to sit here in silence for half an hour then you can leave. I'll be next door in the office, so don't even think about trying to leave." And with that, he leaves and shuts the door behind him leaving Brad and I alone, in an extremely awkward silence.

I let out a sigh as Brad starts digging through his bag, before pulling out his phone. I just sit there drumming my fingers on the table willing this detention to end so I can go home and be unsociable again.

After about 10 minutes of sitting in silence, Brad speaks up, "you don't talk much, do you?"

I scoff, "what's there to talk about? You were being a dick in class so I figured if I dont talk to you, you can't annoy me." I never get this annoyed with people I talk to for the first time.

Brad rolls his eyes and turns to face me so I can't avoid eye contact. He just sits there staring right into my eyes, not saying a word.

"Wh- what are you doing?" I question him, feeling quite self conscious and freaked out at the same time.

He shrugs and looks down at his hands rested on his lap, fiddling with the silver ring on his pinky finger. "I may have acted like a dick, but you were being a bitch so it was equal." He smirks and looks up.

I'm still pretty annoyed but a smile begins to form on my mouth. I roll my eyes, still smirking slightly, "I just reacted to you being a dick." I giggle quietly, what? Bella you're supposed to be pissed off! Stop!

"Whatever, I just want to be out of here," he adjusts the black SnapBack on his head.

"Yeah, don't you have a cheerleader or something to go make out with?" He looks up again and frowns at me,

"No? I'm not like that."

You've got to be kidding me. He's Brad Simpson for gods sake he's the biggest player in school.

"Oh come on, are you serious?" I start to awkwardly laugh, "you must b-" I can tell what I said annoyed him, and before I can finish he interrupts me,

"I said I'm not like that Isabella." He snaps. He turns to face the front from where he was sitting facing me. Hearing my name come from his mouth seemed strange.

"I'm not like that," he repeats before picking his black backpack up and leaving the classroom, slamming the door behind him, like he did at the beginning of English.

We had actually sat in here for 45 minutes, so I leave too but walking out of school in the opposite direction to Brad.
Hello again!! So Brad and Caitlin haven't got off to a good start! I hope you enjoyed this chapter :-) please vote for me and comment your opinions!!
Lots of love x

Opposites Attract // Bradley Will Simpson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now