Lela, Queen of the beach

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Last week of school, who knew that the time would pass so quickly, especially when you have a boyfriend with perfect hair, manly body and... Hey, Brady, stop meddling in my diary! Sorry, I just wanted to make clear how much I'm cool. Well ... Like me, McKenzie was saying, time goes fast when you have a boyfriend who helps you when you need it and is on your side.
Next week is our anniversary of 8 months dating when we met at the pal "Save the Beach", it was the most spectacular and strange day I have ever experienced, serious, dancing and singing for no reason in front of a screen is strange, but any day is spectacular with Brady. Well, what to say? I'm a girl of 17 years, engaged in studies looking for the best way for my future, and Brady, 17 years surfer boy who doesn't care much about the future, but how to live the present. I need study for the final exam on Thursday.
- Hey Mack, what are you doing? - Said Brady entering in my room.
- I'm just making some notes, nothing important.
- Because I had that weird dream again, that dream when I'm singing with the characters in the film "Lela, Queen of the beach"
- This is not a strange dream Brady, you are just a little connected in this film, so your brain creates fantasies present in the memories you have and happens the electro-magnetic waves that intervenes in the glocoscopic...
- Oh, oh oh. Stop! You know my head is very confusing when you start with this scientific talk.
- All right ... As I was saying, you just like this movie very much and dream of it always, I also dream with this film almost every night, but it's because I really love Lela, Queen of the beach.
- But Mack, it's all so real, as if I'd already lived it all but in a different way.
- Only if you were alive in the '60s right Brady? C'mon, we need to go to the school, don't forget that is the last week of school and we have to study for the exams.
- But I haven't had breakfast, my surfer belly is hungry.
- Your "Surfer belly" like a bread with cheese? Get it.
- Yay, bread!
- Let's go Brady. - I finished with a smile pulling him by the arms.

Arriving at the school with Brady and I saw my best friend in the world Alyssa, near the entrance gate doing a sign 'Hi' with hands and smiling. I gave a kiss in Brady's face and ran toward Alyssa; We gave a long hug and we were just wondering what's new.
- Hi Mack, how was your weekend?
- Very studious as ever, and yours?
- I also studied a lot but yesterday, Spencer took me on a wonderful restaurant for dinner, it was the sweetest thing that anyone do for me. - Alyssa said with a huge smile and jumping up and down.
- It would not surprise me, you have been dating to 8 months.
- Yeah Mack, next week is my anniversary with Spencer, what do you think I can give him? It has to be something special to show my love for him.
- Well, I don't know, you have to know what he likes to do that, ask him. And I had forgotten, me and Brady also do our anniversary dating next week.
- And what will you give for him?
- Well, I don't know, when we do the final test and finish the classes, I think about it, but now I have to learn and take a big A on the exams. - I said with a serious and committed face.
- All right, now the class is about to start. - Alyssa said as he held her in my arms and walked toward the classroom.
I don't know why, but I can't concentrate in class, my mind goes with a white, like I was missing something in my life, something that happened very important but I can't remember, similar to a dejavu. But why just "now? These previous months were so normal ... Well, it must be because of pressure finals, I need to focus and keep studying, I don't want to be a hotdog vendor in a trailer in the middle of the main boulevard.
The output of the bell rings and picked up my backpack when I see something strange as it fell.
- Look, what's that?
- It looks like a bracelet. - Spencer whispered in my ear as she lightly laughs.
- I know what it is, but it is not mine, I mean, at least I have never seen in my life.
- Someone must have put there like a surprise! Your anniversary with Brady is coming, maybe it was not him who gave this little surprise for you?
- Brady is not so sensitive to give me presents, but good idea! I'll check. - I said and I blinked to Spencer and rose from the ground.
I was leaving school when I spot the Brady with his best friend Denvor talking beneath the tree near the parking lot. Brady was leaning in his new navy green bicycle. Soon sees me and opens that big smile.
- Hey Mack! - Brady shouted as he motioned for me to go to him.
- Hi Denvor, Hi Brady.
- Hey Mack, how are you? - Said Denvor
- I'm fine thanks and you?
- I'm good, talking to my little brother here. - Denvor said as he lightly punched in Brady's arm.
- Hi love, how was school? - Brady said in his soft voice.
- Love? You never call me that, what has gotten into you these days?
- I did not give anything, I'm better than ever.
- I know ... I believe much of it sr mysterious bracelet.
- Mysterious bracelet? What do you mean?
- Well, I'm going to leave you alone lovebirds. - Denvor said as he picked up his bag from the floor.
- Bye Denvor! - Me and Brady said at the same time.
- Why you call me "Sr Mysterious bracelet"?.
- Well, I went to get my bag from the floor and saw falling a bracelet, Spencer said it could have been you who left in my bag, like a surprise cause' next week is our anniversary of 8 months of dating.
- It is our anniversary? I mean, it's our anniversary! Happy dating anniversary advance my nervous bird. - Brady said as he pretended giving me a hug.
- Don't tell me you forgot our anniversary dating Brady?!
- Of course not... I even gave you this beautiful bracelet!
- So you put on my bag? Awn, how cute Brady! Thank you! I was a little busy but I promise you I'll give you a spectacular gift!
- Don't worry Mack. - Brady said with a smile of someone who committed an offense.
I don't know why but there's something strange about it.
The big day of the exams came, and guess who got the better? The Queen Mack here! And there's a fresh breeze headed down the beach saving me from the heeeeeat. - I started singing and dancing like a musical.
- Mack? This is not a musical. - Brady said while laughing like he was in a comedy show.
- Ehm, ehm, sorry I'm just excited. But and you? How you did in the finals?
- Well, thank you that helped me to study, I just took one ...
- You took one in the exams? But how? I helped you so much, spent hours teaching you, I was sleepless teaching you, I lost 50 years of my life teaching you, I forget to be happy to teach...
- MACK! - Brady interrupted me.
- I'm sorry, I exaggerated a little.
- A little?
- As I was saying, I took one... A!
- What? Are you serious? Brady I'm sooo happy for you! Congratulations! - I yelled at an acceptable tone giving a hug in Brady!
- Thank you, thanks for everything. - Brady said as I approached her mouth with mine for a kiss.
- So! - I interrupted.
- Two days, yeah? It will be a very special day, and look what I'm using, the bracelet you gave me!
- Yes... The bracelet I gave you... - Brady said with a forced smile.
I looked with my suspicious look, but, whatever.
One night before my dating anniversary with Brady, I had a strange dream, I dreamed again with the movie "Lela, Queen of the beach" but this time it was a different dream.
- Mack, remember, I will always be with you, my best friend. - Said a girl with black hair resembling Lela of the movie.
- Keep this with you, and never forget, friends forever. - The girl said as she handed me something he could not see very well.
The alarm rings.

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