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I woke to the sound of birds chirping. I sat up from my bed and rubbed my eyes. The light beaming through the windows lit up the room around me. I get out of bed and headed for the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, fixed my hair into a ponytail, and changed my clothes before heading down stairs. I went towards the kitchen and saw Mary cooking what looked like scrambled eggs, bacon, french toast and home made orange juice. She gave me a smile when she noticed me standing there.

"Good morning dear, sleep well?"

I gave her a smile as I nodded.

"Are you hungry? Im making breakfast."

I polietly shook my head.

"None sense. Here take an apple. You need something in your stomach," she said as she handed me a red apple.

I walked outside the pack house and into the woods. After a week of being here I still don't know my way around well, but I needed to be outside. I haven't really been around Luke at all since he showed me around that day. He seems to take off early in the morning and comes back late at night. I don't know for certain where he goes throughout the day, but I don't bother asking. When he does come home in time for dinner, that would be the only time I would get see him. But even then, only a few words are exchanged.

Sometimes I wonder if he even wants me here at all. Mates are supposed to be with one another and talk to each other, but with Luke it's like he doesn't want me. He hasn't told me that he rejected me, but I think he does. After all, who wants a mute.

Looking around me, I notcied many of the pack members training with trainers, learning to defend themselves, and the children running around playing with a red ball. I smiled as I saw a little blonde girl pick up a white dandelion from the grass; looking at it in wonder. She held the flower up to her nose and closed her eyes. When she opened them, she caught me looking at her and gave me a smile before walking away.

As I continued on my way, I came across the entrance of the meadow. Like a moth attracted to light, I walked towards it. It didn't look so dangerous, infact it was quite excuizete. It seemed empty. The tall grass swayed slightly with the wind. I've never been in a meadow but now seeing it face to face I wanted to explore it.

I saw no one in there. Except for the animals that did roam in the area. I look around me and made sure no one was around. I shifted into my wolf, my dark brown fur shining against the sun. I took a step in the meadow and crouched low, keeping my ears perked upward. I listened for movement or a sound but heard nothing.

The coast is clear.

I ran out, letting my wolf roam free. Its been a while since I ran in my wolf form and it felt good. I felt free. I rolled around like a puppy scratching his back. When I stopped, I saw a small bunny in the distance. I rolled back on my feet and started to chase it for fun. But as fast as the bunny appeared, it disappeared. The tall grass shifts in front me.

Ha, gotcha.

I crawled toward it and expecting to see the little brown bunny but instead I saw blood. I cocked my head to the side.

What happened here?

I crawled and saw nothing, but I could feel a presence near me. I heard the faint sound of a twig snap a few feet away from me and froze. I sniffed the air and quietly listened. I smelled blood but I knew it was from the bunny. I could hear it breathing and its heart beating rapidly.

Could it be a hunter?

I smelled the air again but still got nothing.

Why was its heart beating rapidly?

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