The Team Splits

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S.Lucario's POV

it may break her but we have to go home

Riley: *sigh* alright

I guess I'll break the news to her

DJ: *isn't even in the region*

though, I don't sense her in the region

Luxray: she must've gone ahead

maybe. Shall we head back?

Pikachu: lets catch up to her then split


Pikachu: *grabs thunderstone*

Luxray: *sigh* it feels like we're leaving so early..

best we can do is go home

Luxray: right, lets go then

*goes up ladder*

*everyone but Lucario comes up the ladder*

*goes to the airport & gets in helicopter*

*everyone else gets in the helicopter & it flies off*

well, its been great, guys

Riley: yeah, real great..

*helicopter lands in Kanto*

*gets out of helicopter*

*everyone gets out of helicopter*

guess back to the rescue base for me

Pikachu: back to the forest...

back to our old lives, I guess

Riolu: yes...but next time we get together, you'll be surprised

you keep training hard for me, ok? I want to have a good battle when the time comes

Riolu: you got it

this is it guys. See you all soon

Riley: cya Lucario & take care

you too, Riley & if you see Non, tell him I said hey

Luxray: *looking down, not even making eye contact*

*looks over to Luxray* you crying?

Luxray: no..

what's wrong?

Luxray: nothing, totally nothing

tell the truth

Luxray: *sigh* its fine, its all fine

you don't seem ok. Luxray, just be honest with us, alright? It doean't seem like it

Luxray: I said its fine, don't go into detail like Non would've...

suit yourself

Riolu: guess this is goodbye for now

yep, cya *goes down to rescue base*

*sees Jason there* Jason, where were you the entire time?

Jason: checking at enemy bases, seeing if they rose while you weren't around

maybe your not all bad

Jason: I've changed for the team & I know it split

hm, guess I don't have to say then

Jason: DJ flew by & told me & then left

ah, so she did go ahead of us

Jason: she is fast, for a pokemon...

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