The Bus

537 16 17

I wake up In Kyles arm as he plays on his phone I smiles at him and crawl out from his arm I get up heading to the bathroom and turn the shower on walking back out to grab my stuff

"You leaving me cold and alone in bed" I smile and node grabbing my backpack and heading to the bathroom before Kyle grabs my waist and walks with me

"Can I join"

"No Kyle"

"Please I'll give your kisses"

"Kyle your will give me kisses even if I don't let you"

"Wanna make that bet"

"Yes I do"

"Your on" he lets go of me and walks back to bed I go take my shower and get out I brush threw my hair before drying it with a dryer I then brush it threw again fix it the way I want and spray the hell out of it with hairspray I then do my eyeliner and flood all redness from my face with foundation I throw on some ripped stockings black shorts and a bring me the horizon muscle tee along with my zombie sports bra I slide pn my black vans and walk out to see Kyle in a Peirce the veil tee and and some black skinny jeans with rips in the knees and his trible print vans he is drinking and Arizona ice tee with his purple neff beanie in his hand and his penny bored out

"Hey babe"

"Oo good your out you have rto go to your room and pack your bags so we can leave"

"Alright see ya later"

"Bye princess"I walk out of the room heading to Bryan's I walk to the closet and pack my clothes heading downstairs to see everyone else I hand in my key and we all head to the your bus we get on and everyone finds a seat Bryan is standing looking at all of us

"alright guys in setting out some rules no sex on the bus alright have a safe ride" he walks to the front and starts driving I look at Alex who's face is a burning red I laugh and get up walking to the bathroom I take out my tongue webbing percing because its uncomfortable I then take off my medusa leaving my snake bits septum and my double eyebrow piercings when I get a text I pull out my phone and sit on the counter opening my phone


"Hey what's up"

"I still want a chance"

"Well idk me and Kyle have been doing really good together"

"Let me be the one to tell you he has a girlfriend check my digital escape"

I do as told and scroll down till I hit the video it was uploaded right before warped started which was only a 2 weeks ago I walk out and Kyle smiles at me I sit next to him

"Can I play a game on your phone"he hesitates but hand the phone to me taking mine he opens my pictures and goes threw showing my stupid ones I open his message and the first one that pops up say Girly friend I open it noticing those aren't my texts and scroll up

Kyles girlfriend
"Kyle really your cheating on me this is why I don't want you on warpped"

"I just didn't want Jordan to have her he broke up with his a couple weeks ago I don't think he ready yet"

"Well stop leading her on and being asshole"

"Alright love you have fun in the water" I look at Kyle and take my phone

"We are done Kyle" I get up and walk over to Jordan and sit with him


"I was done with him using you"
I lean my head on his shoulder for a while before getting up and walking to my bed I lay down and pass out


Should Ava give Jordan a chance?

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