Chapter 4

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I count five deadly glares directed towards me, one of which is especially scary. Red is looking as intimidating as you can get in a ruffly red dress, shooting accusation in my direction. No one says a word, but I can sense the thought going around- "what have you done?" The owner has reached the Timepiece. Time is stopped as we wait for the owner to do something.

"What's going on?" I see a giant finger reach for the small hand and scoot back just as the gears are turned less than half a centimeter from my leg. A loud sigh is heard and the Timepiece is filled with the smell of dark coffee. More footsteps, getting a bit quieter each time. Everyone's eyes are wide, even Bird's.

Seven beeps.

A dull tone.

"Clockphix," answers a bored, low voice on the other side.

"My cuckoo clock broke recently and I need it fixed in the next hour," the owner says impatiently.

"Sorry ma'am, we don't open for another hour."

"It needs to be fixed immidiately; I'm holding a business party at my house in an hour and a half!"

"Again, we don't open for-"

"I'll pay you extra, okay?"

Of course she will. The owner is the top of a huge company, which makes her super rich. Anytime she wants something, she pulls out the money card. It's funny what people will do for money sometimes.


"How much?"

"Oh, for goodness' sake, we'll discuss this after it gets fixed! The faster you fix, the more I'll pay, alright?"



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