Chapter 6

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Oh, if looks could kill. If only. I'm preparing myself for the wrath of my fellow Dancers and another speech from Bird when the Timepiece is tilted straight again and light suddenly floods in. I close my eyes and wait for the white spots to vanish.

"...Her fault! I couldn't stop her, and now look what happened!"

"I understand, but violence won't solve anything! We just need to talk some sense into her."

I open my eyes to see Red's index finger pointed straight at me, and close them again.

"Talk some sense? Look what she's done, Bird! Look. What. She. Has. Done! We're going to be removed from the Timepiece!" Red screeches. The other Dancers murmur to each other.

My headache is pounding in my head. I want to tell them all to shut up, but then I remember that I don't care anymore. No more Timepiece. No more dancing. No more rules. The thought terrifies me but excites me just the same. This is the new start that I've been waiting for. But I also know that the possible realization that I'm not good for anything other than dancing will break me.

I don't even realize that the back of the Timepiece has been opened until a finger brushes against the tip of my head. I scream as I spin around. All conversations stop and I lock eyes with Green as she shouts, "Blue!" before the Fixer grabs me and pulls me out of my home.

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