Short story

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AN/ hey guys, this is my first story and I don't have an editor so if you'd like to be one, just message me. And I really hope you like this :)
Thank you for checking out my story! This short story is complete.

Lightning flashed across the sky, illuminating my opponents face. The cool breeze felt tremendous blowing through the white feathers on my wings accentuating their beauty as the rain poured down. Although, it gave an eerie feel when it blew through my face mask that covered the lower part of my face so all you could see where my piercing pure gold eyes. My opponent, Jacob Miles took a step forward to slice my stomach but with my quick reflexes I moved back in time to dodge the silver blade. I took a step backwards as I lifted my wings and shot up into the sky. While fleeing from the scene to catch my breath, my mind travelled to my past and when I had to fake my own death, all because of Cole Watson.
Cole was an agent for the Forbidden Agency, The Shadow Agency's number one rival. I was a part of the Shadow Agency; we only killed big threats while the Forbidden Agency killed anything and any one. That's why we want to demolish them. Currently, Jacob Miles was my mission, he was a demon and that's what we usually killed because they would harm the humans. I flew through the rain, tucking my wings in, I barreled through the cloud creating a wisp of white to travel behind me, I dove towards the ground or more specifically, Jacob. As soon as I got a few feet away from him I opened my wings and I picked him up with my hands as I flew back up. Struggling with his weight, I pushed my wings higher. When I flew above the clouds I released him, watching as he fell to the ground. It wouldn't kill him because of what he is and the strength he possesses but it will disable him for a while so I had the time to distract him and complete my mission. I flew down quickly, the water droplets hitting my face hard, making me squint. I picked up his mangled body and threw him on the ground again, I took out my dagger and stabbed him through the eye, blood splattered over me and I cringed in disgust.
I headed back to the agency to get cleaned up and to see Lester James, the CEO of Shadow Agency. He was the only one who knew I was alive. He was the one who stuck with me throughout all of this. As I walked in with my assassin's suit on, still having the now dried blood splatters on it, I got weird stares from every angle. My wings were covered by my cloak that I recently put on. I had to hide them for multiple reasons, one of those reasons was the only angel on earth and I was the last of my kind. That's why I had to fake my death. I am too powerful, too skillful and dangerous.
I walked into Lester's office to give him the mission report.
"Here" I said as I stuck my hand out with the file.
He had a look of disgust and frankly I knew it was because of the blood I have yet to wash off. "Thank you." He told me. I turned to leave as he called my name.
"We have another mission that we want you to engage in." I nodded my head slowly as if I was saying to continue, he picked up another file. "We want you to accept this mission because, being an angel you can fly and we recently found the Forbidden Agency's headquarters but the problem is, they are located on a hovercraft pad in the sky." I looked at him not surprised but very excited. "I'll get right on it." I told him as I took the folder out of his hands.
I ran to my little locker room located in the basement of the headquarters and I got myself cleaned up before reaching the public's eye. I jogged out of the building, my thoughts soaring. This is huge! We can finally take them down! Wait, I'm going to be alone. Nobody can help me, no one else knows, I can't take down all those agents. I can't complete this mission. I turned around only to stop. No this is the only way, It's kill or be killed.
I began running through an ally, my suit sticking perfectly to my skin, although a little too loose on my upper body. I jumped onto a medium sized wooden box which in all honestly, in this part of town, probably had many drugs in there. Then onto a green dumpster which smelled as if a skunk had crawled into a dead body and created a family. I grabbed onto a light post that was nearby and I hoisted myself up with my right arm while I held the files in my other arm until I reached the top, from there I jumped onto a roof and ran, holding the file firm against my chest so the papers inside wouldn't fly away. Next, I jumped from that roof onto another and another and so on. When I got to my cozy apartment I looked through the file, while I was also trying to get a glass of water and trying to control my rapid breathing.
I managed to find the address and I was on my way, I was ready. I came onto the street that the file gave me and looked up, covering the sun's glare with my hand, happy that the rain cleared up. The file says that the hovercraft is most likely above this street. I quickly looked around, once I figured no one was looking I took my cloak off, my wings sprung up and I moved and stretched them to get ready to take off. I crouched down and shot up, relying on my wings to carry me.
I flew around not sure where the hovercraft was until I flew into it. The force had me falling backwards a few feet before I could regain control of my wings. The hexagon shape showing me a bit of the metallic exterior before it faded away into the silky blue sky. I had found the building, now I just needed to find a way in, I flew around it carefully so I wouldn't crash into it again. I flew over the top and decided to land on it so I could get a glimpse of the exterior. As I was walking I noticed a switch that wasn't in any way small but I obviously wouldn't have seen it if I were simply flying. I walked towards it and against my better judgment I pulled it.
As soon as I pressed it I retreated to make sure I wasn't in harm's way. An elevator had begun rising from the building and onto the roof of it. The doors opened and I waited for a few minutes just to be safe. Once I realized the coast was clear I walked into the elevator. It took just a second for my eyes to adjust from the change of brightness to darkness, I put my cloak back on so my wings wouldn't get in the way while I was sneaking around and looking for intel. I pressed the down button and then I began my descent. Once the elevator doors opened, I walked out into a hallway and decided to turn left and i began cautiously walking down the hall. I noticed a room on the right and I decided to enter it. I saw rows and rows of computers, my initial thought was to pull out one of the cushioned chairs and look up information but that was not needed at this time, although I did pull out a flash drive that Lester gave me to plug in and then he could do all the research from our headquarters.
Suddenly red lights went off and the alarm blared, "INTRUDER ALERT, INTRUDER ALERT." a computerized voice spoke, "INTRUDER IN THE WEST WING." my stomach dropped and I quickly dove under a metal table that held several expensive computers and camouflaged me with the amount of wires hanging down, when I heard the stomping of more than a dozen combat boots. The second the guards entered the room they put their guns up, looking for a threat and waiting for an attack. I counted the pairs of shoes, 37 pairs. If they weren't trained I could take them on easily but unfortunately they were agents.
I felt anxious, perhaps even wanting to throw up, But at the same time I was stoked to put my training to the test and see truly, how talented I may be. I watched as one man strayed away from the group and came closer to me. Still hidden in the shadows, I watched his every move. I smirked, I felt like a lion stalking his prey and getting ready to attack. He continued walking towards me oblivious to me watching him. As soon as he was in front of my table I shot my hand out and took a hold of his ankle, I quickly pulled him under making him drop the gun in shock. I covered his mouth with one hand while I caught the gun in the other. I swiftly put the gun down and grabbed the sides of his head with my hands as I looked him in the eye; they were full of fear and hope for mercy which he would not receive.
I jerked my hands to the right, snapping his neck and killing him instantly. I turned my head back to the rest, 36. I grabbed the gun off the floor next to me and I took a huge risk as I opened fire, 35. They dropped to the floor one after another, 34. 33. 32. The others looked around frantically looking for the source of the sound although with the echo of the metal room I was nowhere to be found. More dropped, 23. 22. 21. 20. I moved under another table to get a better shot at the rest, 18. 17. 16. 15. I turned to take another shot but the gun just clicked, out of ammo. I looked at the dead guy lying next to me and I took his gun, I checked the magazine only to find that it only had one bullet left.
Okay think. I aimed the gun at the wall at what I thought was the power box. I shot the gun and light filled the room along with electrocuting 4 men who were close to the metal table that was radiating from the power of the power box.. 11 to go. I threw the gun aside and took out several golden daggers, hidden in my boots and in my belt, they were perfect for throwing. I slowly came up from underneath the table, uncovering myself, and I aimed for a woman whose back was facing me. I pulled my arm back and I threw the blade at the unexpected lady, she fell to the floor with a grunt and I continued throwing the other blades, 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. I looked at the bodies on the floor briefly before feeling a few gusts of wind, I soon realized that I was being shot at and that their aim was absolutely horrible. I walked up to the side of one guard and I grabbed his gun and twisted it taking his arm along with it. I held him against me as I used him as my human shield. His body jerked as several bullets lodge their way into his chest. 3. I let his body fall; I stepped over him and advanced to the other guy. I grabbed his gun and forcefully pushed his gun under his chin. 2. I looked around only one man was remaining. The other must have fled in fear. I easily took down the last man with a hit to the head and I walked out of the bloody room.
I turned down a few halls but not seeing anything of importance I kept walking. I turned the corner as I heard a gun click. I looked to my side to see a room I hadn't noticed and saw a man with midnight black hair and swamp green eyes. Cole Watson. He was the reason why I faked my death, he wanted my power and he is the reason why my sister is dead. He is the one who tortured her to death thinking she was as strong as me, thinking she was an angel.
I heard her screams from the next room; I heard them until they got quieter and quieter. I had heard a loud creaking sound, I turned my head to the door only to see my lifeless sister's body being thrown in.
Cole chuckled deeply snapping me back to reality; I turned my attention back to him. "I knew it. I knew you were alive." I looked at him my eyes narrowing into slits while hatred burned bright in my golden eyes, probably turning them into a darker gold with fire surrounding the pupil. "Then why didn't you come find me?'" I gritted out. He obviously didn't like the tone of voice I had used on him and he lunged forward, too quickly for me to react and he grabbed my neck and shoved me towards the wall his eyes turning into a frightening black. A black that would resemble a demon. "Listen up," He snarled, "you will agree to everything I say, you will let me use your powers-" I scoffed and interrupted him having a brilliant idea. "What powers?" I asked pretending to be confused but this only infuriated him. "Stop playing games with me!" He yelled in my face and squeezed my neck harder, I could see my reflection in his eyes and my face was becoming a light pink which progressed to light red. I clawed at his hands as the shade of red on my face got darker, trying to have him loosen his grip on me. In my time of struggling I had successfully landed a kick to his stomach causing him to grunt and loosen his grip just enough to get free. I began to run away only to get tackled to the floor, I quickly knocked him off of me and I held my hand up and I started to move it up to the ceiling causing him to rise off the ground I flicked my wrist and threw him through the wall, pieces of metal flew out and to my surprise a big chunk of debris had lodged its way into my thigh and I screamed in pain putting my hands around the wound to apply pressure so the pain would be lessened.
I looked up to see Cole lying there still in the wall with his arm up on one of the support beams that was originally covered by metal and sheet rock. I limped over to him, his eyes closed and he was hardly breathing. I went over to him and checked his neck for his pulse, it was faint but it was there. Should I kill him? No that would be too nice. He deserves much worse than the release of death. I turned to walk away when I heard a loud clap followed by a searing pain in my left shoulder I looked down to see I was shot but looking at it only made the pain less bearable. I turned back to Cole to see him with a gun in his hands. I was about to go at him but the room started to spin and my vision blurred as I fell to the ground. What was that bullet made of? "Silver." He said as if he read my mind, he smirked slyly and stood up and began to walk away thinking I would die right there. Not today. I pulled myself of the ground which much tribulation and stalked quietly over to him. With his back turned, I pulled out a poison that I kept in a pocket in my armpit because it had to stay warm or it wouldn't be effective. Compound 1080, that is deadly to most of the supernatural. I pulled out the piece of scrap metal that was lodged in my left thigh, grinding my teeth together and pressing my lips into a hard line to muffle a painful scream. I quickly opened the lid to the bottle and poured it onto the sharpest part of the bloody piece of scrap metal in my hands. I raised my hand up to stab him, I used a lot of force and he fell to the ground, in which I would presume, dead.
I heard loud clapping of hands I tensed in case it was more danger. I turned slowly, aware of my wounds and surroundings. "Good job." the voice said. I sighed as I only saw Lester. "Wait. What are you doing here? I thought I was the only one who could get up here." I asked him curiously. " The fire Department owed me a favor or two, but there are some things that I need to explain to you." He looked down at the ground as he spoke, "You aren't an angel, your sister is alive, this isn't real. You aren't even awake." I looked at him confused. "Lester, are you okay?" I asked with concern. He looked up at me and stared into my eyes, into my soul. "You are fighting for your life, you can't give up now. Wake up.You need to wake up." His voice slowly faded away from me as I fell to the floor and everything went black.
My eyes snapped open to the sound of constant beeping. Everything was blurry, I blinked a few times to get my eyesight to clear up. It cleared a little but it was still blurry on the edges. I looked to my right to see an EKG monitor, my eyes traveled around it to see white walls.I'm in a hospital. I was so confused on how i had gotten there. I looked around for a bit when I spotted a piece of paper on the table fairly far away from my bed. I leaned over trying to grab it and with a pain filled two minutes I finally got the piece of paper. I looked down to see my name, the hospital I was in and the fact that I was in a car accident in May 2014. It told me I had a very small chance of living. That's what Lester meant when he said I was fighting for my life. I was reading over the paper to learn more when a nurse walked in.
"You're awake!" she gasped before going into the hall and calling for the doctor.
"Ma'am?" I called to her, my voice was raspy and it burned. She returned to the room. "What's the date?" I asked. She blinked and then answered the question.
"Well, It's November 17, 2022."
"Wow." I breathed out. I pursed my lips as I looked down at my hands
"Is my- is my sister here?" I asked whispered shakily, worried for the answer.
"No, she left a few hours ago to go home." I just nodded. I heard a throat being cleared and I looked up to see a man in a white doctor coat so I assumed it was the doctor. He stuck his hand at me to shake but I just looked and it then back up to him. He awkwardly dropped his hand and said,
"I'm Dr. Shepherd. I am very surprised that you are awake. The chances of you surviving that crash were, well let's just say that you, my friend, are very lucky." I thought about everything but I couldn't remember anything. Where do I live? How old am I? What's my name? The only thing I remember is my sister, Sage.
"Um doctor? I can't remember anything." I said so quietly I could barely hear it. He had leaned in towards me to hear and said, "Ah yes that is because the crash was very bad and when it rolled you hit your head pretty hard. I'm sorry but I don't think it will ever come back."
"Can you tell me what happened? In the accident?" I asked. He nodded,
"You were driving, there wasn't anybody else in the car but you were speeding you almost hit 120 MPH! Anyways, according to the news reports, you hit a speed bump and your car flew and when it hit the ground it rolled fifty feet, at least that's what the police told me." He explained furthermore, "Your body is perfectly healed other than your memory and a few bruises and scratches now, but you should have seen yourself before. It was worse than a horror movie. So that gives you chance to go home. Although I'd like to keep you for a few more days for observation." That's when I couldn't handle it anymore and I burst,
"HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GO HOME IF I CAN'T REMEMBER ANYTHING?" The doctor and the nurse stood there shocked. The nurse spoke up, "I had another nurse call your sister she's on her way here now." I took a deep breath and closed my eyes to control my sudden rage. I nodded my head with my eyes still closed. I only opened them once I heard footsteps; I opened my eyes to see the room empty. I laid down and stared up at the squared ceiling, I tried to remember my name, my past, anything, but I had no luck. I closed my eyes thinking harder but by the time I realized it I was fading into a darkness called sleep.
I woke up to a hand on mine I looked up to see a beautiful girl, also known as my sister. "Hey sleepy head.' she cooed, " I am never letting you drive again." I just laughed. She smiled a warm smile, "let's go home."
The drive home was very strange, nothing seemed right, though that could just be me because of the accident, but my sister is acting strange. Like really strange.
"Do you want me to drive?" I asked when she zoned out for around 5 minutes.
"Do you want me to drive?" I asked slower.
"Oh, no it's fine, I got it." I nodded my head suspiciously and let it drop, if she wanted to tell me what's wrong, she would have. I turned my head to look at the window to watch the passing of the trees and buildings. Listening to the soft sound of the music I started to drift away but the sound of car horns quickly brought me back to reality. I snapped my head to my sisters to see her head down in the steering wheel and her body limp. I panicked, and put my hands on her to try and wake her up. She shot up in panic and fear and quickly pulled the car into a nearby ally. She opened the door and stumbled out. I got out as soon as she did.
"What's wrong, what's going on?" I asked, worried. She shook her head and dropped into her hands and knees. I ran to her to help but she pushed me away.
"Stay. Back." She said between breaths.
"But-" I tried to protest but was interrupted
"NO!" She yelled in pain. "Don't you dare touch her! You can't. Please. Please don't hurt her." She was getting quieter. But I was confused on what was happening. There was no one here. Who was she talking to? She looked up and I gasped. It wasn't my sister anymore it was me. Her blue eyes changed into my golden ones and her face structure had changed. I took a step back trying to figure out what was happening. Beautiful white wings sprouted out of her shoulder blades. My mouth opened in wonder. What's happening?
I shot up in the bed of the hospital. trying to work out that strange dream I just had in my head. What did it mean? Maybe that was me remembering? No that's impossible. The lights in my hospital room flickered and I looked up at the lights, they flickered several times before they went off completely. I heard an ear shattering scream filled with pain, I soon realized it was my scream and something was terribly wrong. I felt pain my shoulder and then my thigh, I screamed louder when the pain worsened but it became to much to bare and I threw my head back as tears rolled down my face. I looked down at my body. I could see blood coming for my shoulder and leg, I placed my head down trying to let the pain pass. My hands curled into tight fists, my knuckles were white and my nails dug into my skin. but the pain was too much and once again the darkness took over.
I woke up in a hospital bed, a different one from before. I knew this was real life because I felt intense pain in my shoulder and thigh. I looked to my left to see Lester sitting next to me, reading a book, the cover read, To Kill a Mockingbird.
"Lester?" I croaked. His head snapped up and he let out a breath of relief as he came to the edge of the bed, putting the book down. "What happened?"
"You passed out from loss of blood when I walked into the room, you did a very good job with Cole, you can come back soon, to the agency, if you would like." He looked at me hopefully, "You are the best agent, whether you like it or not we need you."
"Okay just give me a few months, I...need to have some time to myself." He nodded and walked out the door.
Two months later I was discharged from the hospital, my wounds were healed and all I had left of that mission was the memories and the scars on my shoulder and leg, which if you ask me, look very cool. The first place I went to was the forest, I took off my coat, letting my beautiful white wings expand. I crouched low and pushed off the ground shooting up into the air and enjoying the exhilarating feel of the wind. Oh I missed this.

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