Unlocking Amulet Shiny Heart

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~Author POV~

The shiny light surrounds Jasmine, it was so shiny that it blinded Julian and Yuki. Tino and Ronald running around the school grounds looking for Julian, his theif.

"Where is he?" Tino said as he look around the feilds. Soon light blinded the side of his vision as he looks at the direction to the shining pink light flashing in his eyes. "What is that?" Tino said as he follows the light. "Something going on in the front of the school."

Ronald nods. "Yeah, let's go!" Ronald shouts as Tino runs towards the light in front of the school following with Ronald.

~Jasmine POV~

Everything around me felt changed. My eyes see around me bright pink surrounded me, I look at Margo as she smiles at me and her egg close on her as she goes towards my chest and the into the locket. I felt my clothes change differently. I open my eyes to see me outfit. I was wearing a pink sparkling skirt, neon pink converse, and a tank top that has a pink bow on my back and my visor with a big pink heart with jewels on it. I felt my feet land on the ground as I push up in the air and passing the mystery boy his eyes are widen of shocked.

How am I doing this and what am I wearing, what happened to my original clothes, I thought as I jump high in the air. I see Margo in ghost form next to me in her shugo chara.

"Jasmine this is amazing!" Margo yells in her form. "We finally character transform into Shiny Heart!" Margo yells gleefully. "Um, Jasmine don't look down." Margo warns as she.

"Why?" I asked out loud as I look down to see we are fifty meters high from the sky. "Holy moly! We are extremely high in the sky! We need to get down!" I yelled as I felt panic all around me and the fear of falling.

"Jasmine don't panic! The transformation, it'll wear off quickly because your not concertrated on your-" When Margo was about to say. I felt the transformation disappearing as my clothes were turned into my normal clothes. "Uh oh." Margo said as she's back to her shugo chara form. I felt my body falling.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!" I yelled falling to my death. Margo follows down along with me.

"Jasmine!" Margo yells. I close my eyes tightly as Margo got into my arms and we were hugging each other. "This is the end!" Margo yells as we let out a scream of death.

"Glove punch!" A hear Tino voice yells as I open my eyes to feel my body land on something soft as I jump up in the air and jump softly up in the air and back as I land on something smoothly. I look down of my object. It was the size of a glove for any sports. When I feel my body going down and the gloves disappear and I fall again to be caught in someone arms, I look up to be in looking in brown eyes and his hair is down and shaggy a little bit.

"Tino." I said as Tino looks at me and smiles and set me down to the floor and he see up to the boy of the black hair as his ears are pointing as he jumps on a tree and looks at Tino as Tino never lost sight of him. I see his cheek has a number 11 on it each side like my uniform.

"It's been long time no see buddy." The boy calls out as Tino grits his teeth.

~Tino POV~


"Don't call me buddy Julian." I said as I look at Jasmine seeing her shocked and worried about this part of me. I hope she doesn't think of me differently.

"You know that you stole the locket from me." Julian replies making a lie. The locket and the key belongs to me, my dad gave it to me, the locket. He gave it to me and I'm not letting him have it forever.

"You liar!" I screamed as I get my fist out. "Glove punch! I yelled as my glove hits the tree, but Julian is sneaky and dodge my attack, but I lost sight of him as he ran away. "That coward." I mumble to myself as I look at Jasmine to see her face sweaty, probably from running and getting the locket. I get out a towel of the I had for cleaning the club room Lindsey would of force everyone to clean. I touch Jasmine cheeks and start wiping the sweat out of Jasmine face. Her silk skin feel nicely on my figures tips with sweat. "I know this might not help, but there sweat all over your body." I said as I see Jasmine face red. Is she blushing?

~Jasmine POV~

"I know this might not help, but there sweat all over your body." Tino said as he used the towels and keep wiping my face, I felt my cheeks becoming warm. Oh man, I'm blushing. Tino pass me the towels as he smiles.

"Hey Jasmine, meet me at the guardian head quater." Tino replies as he looks down my neck then to my eyes. "See you tomorrow at school. I will tell everything and explained everything." Tino said as he walks away. Realizing that I still have his locket and his towel.

"Tino!" I yelled as Tino looks back at me. "What about the locket and the towel?" I asked as Tino smiles.

"Keep it." Tino replies I felt my heart beat skip a beat as he walks back to school. When he's far away in a good distance I let out a squealed.

"Oh my god! He touched my cheek and gave me his towel." I said raising it to my nose and smelling Tino scent of flower fill of Jasmine and Roses and river scented candle. He smelled so good. "Not only that he gave me his locket!" I squealed as Margo, Suno, and May walks by my side as they laugh at my reaction.

"I never seen this creepy side of you." Margo said as I glared at her.

"I wouldn't push it pinky!" I yelled scaring Margo.

"Hey!" Margo barked.

"Jasmine." May voice picks up as she looks at me. "What are you going to do?" May said as she looks at me.

"I'm going to..." I trailed as I knew I have a long walk. "Taking a shower, doing my homework, eat dinner, and going to bed." I said as I yawn. "I'm beat." Even though my moon egg and my diamond egg got stolen and are back with me in my sling bag. I still had a good day, as well character transform into my shugo chara Margo and top it off, my clover egg hatch and May was born. I think I became soft? I mean I'm happy that one of my eggs hatch, but there special to me and I love them.

Yup, I turned into a softy and not only that.... I decided to join the guardian clhb, what will the guardian club react to this?

Hi!! I'm still taking request from you readers if you want to be in a story, it can be anything, like your OC, you, or just a random person you made up. I'll take them.  Here the a way to enter them again :-)

1. =Name:
2. =Age (7-16):
3. =Hair Color:
4. =Eye Color:
5. =Height:
6. =Where you go to school:
6 1/2.=Where you meet Jasmine:
7. =Personality:
8. =Dreams:
9. =Situation that causes your inner self to be an X egg:
10.= Shugo Chara Name:
11. =Shugo Chara look like:
12. =Shugo Chara ability:
13. =Shugo Chara eggs design:

You can email me on here or comment below *arrow pointing to the comments* And people who already request. They will come, can you guys hold on for one more chapter and your character will be im the story, please? But thank you guys who already put in. So please don't be shy and put the request in. So see you soon my amazing readers out there :-).

Oh and the picture will be showing the characters of what they look like couple of them. This one is Tino. :-). I know that late :-( , but still :-).

I'm the new girl with five eggs ~Shugo Chara~ (Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now