The Spade Egg

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Chapter Eight


When the bus driver stopped the bus and let the kids out. I was the first person to leave the bus. All the kids let me pass by with no words from there mouth.

Walking to my classroom with my book bag still on my shoulder I start taking my binder out and start getting ready for class.

Class started and the kids didn't say a word about me. When Mrs. Brown took us to the libary for use to get a reading book, as a chapter book (I already asked Mrs.Brown about magma books and she reply 'I can't allow that, you have to check on a chapter books and magma books have pictures and you'll just looked t the pages than reading it.') I looked at the fiction books. Not particularly looking for a author, just looking for book that looks interesting or catches. My eyes landed on a book that says Maximum Ride. I grab the book and looked at the author who wrote it.

"James Patterson...... I heard about him." Looking at the back of the book and read the intro. "This isn't half bad. Sounds interesting." I looked at the back of the book page and find the books order. There is 7 book for this series. Dang. I find the first book.

Maximum Ride: Angel Experience. Lucky, they have the first book and I checked it out.

"Thanks Ms. Derrick." I replied when Ms. Derrick check out the book and gave me the book.

"Here you go and enjoy." I took the book and sat on a of the table in the library back room. Opening to the first page of the book and kept on reading.

Max and the gang (Fang, Iggy, Nudge, Gasman, and Angel). But one of there member was kidnapped by easaser, who are half human and half wolf. While the gang are half human and half birds well 98% human and 2% birds. They have to rescue Angel who's the youngest in the group.

So Max, Nudge, and Fang go (Most likely fly) to California where a laboratory lab that does experience with human to blend DNA with animals A.K.A 'The School'. While Iggy and Gasman stay at there home. The reason is Iggy is blind so he can't see well, but is amazing in cooking. Gasman is young and he would slow them down.

Max, Fang, and Nudge made it to Arizona and Max sees a girl who is in trouble. So the big heart Max is she helps the girl who she finds out is Ella.

I guees I read a long time, when a someone tapped my shoulder. I looked up and seeing my 'friend' Brandon.

"Hey, the class already left and going back to the class, we better hurry if we don't want to be late for class." Brandon says, as I put a book mark into my spot I was reading. Headed out of the library, with Brandon.

After a science lessons about the four atmosphere on planet earth. It was lunchtime, as well checked of what clubs there is a bill board with alot of clubs. Drama club, book club, zombie apocalypse club (I don't even know that even exist), insects club, science club, soccer club, and ect.

But what really caught my attention was the anime club and the soccer club, maybe I'll check the anime club out because I already check out the soccer club, which wasn't that bad if I do say so for myself. Grabbing the flier to the anime club and reading the information.

Anime Club

For the love of anime

Meeting today after school for recruiting new members. Please go to Ms. Browns classroom 3110.

The meeting goes to 2:30 to 3:10.

If you can't find the room ask the main office for the direction.

Hope to see you there

Ms. Browns class? Room 3110. I know that classroom and I could get to the classroom without getting lost. Folding the paper and sticking the paper into my somehow big pocket.

Is it just me? Or was the room was coincidences? I mean I know the room and the club is something I love, but I feel like someone purposely put it up there and made sure I would take it. But who.....

Lunch past like a breeze and Ms. Brown took the class to our art class. Today was to draw the purpose in front of you. And mt partner was Tina Jones. I really don't know her, but I can tell her parents are really rich, wears really expensive brand of clothes when she gets home, and wears perfume that makes you want to wear a gas mask.

"Now! Try to capture this beauty on the drawing note book. If you don't, I would hate you forever." She stated with a smile at the end. What does she think I am. Leonardo DaVinci.

"Okay." I reply looking at my picture I just have. Her head looks wavy. Her hair looks like a two year old drew, her eyes are creepy with one eyes big and the other small. There's a eraser shaving and smug that looks like she has the mustache.

"Wow you really suck Jasmine." Margo stated the obvious about my drawing skills.

"Shut up." I said under my breath.

"Mmm, what did you say?" Tina asked looking at me with curiosity.

"Oh nothing. Just... go back to your drawing." I replied eyeing my paper of my 'special' talent. Crap! I can't show her this. She'll hate me forever and plus I'm a terrible artist. I wish I could draw like a profession.

Why not now! Hearing a voice in my head. What who's this, it sort of like- to a girl with no talent with art with a girl that could draw anything. Character change!

~Author POV~

Jasmine hair peice of a circle changes into a spade with dark and light blue jewels. Jasmine flip the page with her horrible drawing to a new sheet of paper. She placed her pencil on the paper and draw as fast of a runner in the Olympics could ever run. While Margo floating around above her forgetting to hide, but is fascinating of Jasmine drawing. Meanwhile Brandon looks at Jasmine who is drawing and Margo floating around. I knew it. Jasmine does have a shugo chara. Brandon thought to himself.

~Jasmine POV~

What's happening to me my body is moving without me controlling it. Whats going on, my pencil start drawing Tina. When I finshed the picture look exactly like Tina, I mean it looks like she was in the picture. Tina snatch the picture (which was complete) and gasp. Everyone gathers around her and people start talking up.

"Wow! It looks so realistic."

"Tina says she takes private lessons and the lesson haven't paid off." Kids around the classroom say. When everyone was paying attention to my master work, I stare at Margo, who's twirling around moving her skirt to side to side.

"Margo." With my stoic voice she looks at me and smiles. "What the hell was that! I told you not to character transform without my perimission!" I whisper and screamed at the same time. Margo tumbles out of the air and falls right next to my color pencils and papers. She hids herself behind the stacks of paper and the color pencil.

"I-it wasn't m-me. I could make you have confidence in playing sports." Margo replied, hiding behind the paper and color pencil.

"If it wasn't you? Then who of...." I trailed at the end of trying to process of who would of done a character change. Could it be a-

"Jasmine! The window!" Margo interupted my train of thought. I looked at the window, to see a blue small figure who was floating in the air and is drawing on a drawing book.

"Found you!!" I ran out of the room. "Mr. Boyd. I have to use the bathroom. Its a emergency! " I ran out the room and Margo floating next to me.

"Jasmine! She's-"

"Yes, I know. She's the spade egg."

And done with the chapter! And its on a cliffhanger dun dun duuuun! Thank you for being patience and thats for the 1.21k reads. I love you guys so much. So see you in the next chapter. Ciao!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm the new girl with five eggs ~Shugo Chara~ (Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now