Ron x Reader

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Why. Why did it have to be her. Your longtime crush Ron Weasley was now snogging Lavender Brown. Since when did he have feelings for her?! You just couldn't watch any more of this, so you ran up to your bedroom. When you sat on your bed tears began to fall. You sat there crying for almost half an hour, and everyone else had gone to dinner. You decided to just go to sleep because seeing people wouldn't do you any good now. You grabbed your pyjamas then heard a knock on the door. "Y/N, are you in there?" a familiar voice said. Oh god why was he here? You couldn't let him see you like this! "That's it. If you won't answer me I'm coming in." He then barged through the door and walked over to you. He saw your red and puffy eyes and immediately became concerned. "Y/N oh my god! What happened? Did someone hurt you? Was it Malfoy?" "I'm fine Ron. It's nothing." You whimpered. "If it's fine why are you cryi-" Ron had figured it out. "When I was kissing Lav, I saw you run away and break down in tears. I would have followed you but I decided to catch up with you later. Is that what's bothering you Y/N? Were you jealous of her? Do you like me?" You didn't respond verbally, you just slowly nodded. Oh great now he probably thinks you're a jealous freak. Surprisingly he didn't scold you or freak out, instead he leaned in and kissed you. It was only a short kiss, that lasted about three seconds, but it was the best three seconds of your life. "B-but Lavender.... won't she-" "Shhhh" Ron silenced you by softly placing a finger on your lips. "She's nothing to me." He leaned in and pecked your lips. "Now how about some dinner yeah?" He asked with an ear to ear grin on his face. "Gladly." You said then took his arm. God he was amazing.

Sorry if this one's a bit short- I was quite busy this week but I promise a new chapter will be out soon. See you in the next one!
Holly Xx

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