Cedric x Reader Part 2

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It was the day of the Yule Ball and you were in the Gryffindor dorms getting ready. You wore a mint green flowy dress with silver flats and your hair in a fishtail braid. When you went downstairs you saw Harry adjusting his bow tie. "Looking good Potter." You pointed out. He turned around and saw you. "You too Potter." He said with a chuckle. "Who you going with?" You asked before cocking your head to the side." "Oh uh Cho Chang, she asked me last minute." "Ooh look at you getting your dream girl." "Shut up!" He laughed. "Well I gotta go my date is probably waiting for me." you said then walked over to the exit. When you opened the door Cedric was leaning on the wall. Aww he had been there all this time? "Hello princess" he said sweetly. "Hello sir." You said back. "You look beautiful." He stated with pauses between every word. "Why thank you." You then linked arms and proceeded to the great hall. When you arrived it was filled with people at the sidelines, awaiting the first dance of the four champions. Professor Mcgonagall then approached you and Cedric and directed you towards the line. There you saw Fleur Delacour and Roger Davies, Harry and Cho Chang, who for some reason was giving you a death look, and Viktor Krum. Was that Hermione with him? Wow she looks great! You all stepped out onto the dance floor smiling as people clapped and cheered. You all began to dance in sync with the music and each other, and surprisingly Cedric was quite good, but you were very nervous that you couldn't keep up. "Don't be nervous, you're good." He reassured you kindly. Meanwhile you saw Cho Chang mouthing something to you across the room. You thought she said 'You'll get what's coming to you'

So there will be a part 3 and maybe 4 idk but I didn't know this would continue for so long but I guess so! And next I'm doing a Fred and George chappie!!! Yay! See you in the next one!
Holly Xx

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