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Sam, Dean and I called Crowley from the bunker's library from my phone, which was on the table in front of us.

Crowley answered. "You have less than one minute before a very dear, attractive, and slightly tipsy friend of yours snuffs it, Vanessa. I believe you know her by Sheriff Mills." 

I looked at the phone, angry and surprised, worried about Jody, slamming a hand on the table. "Call if off, Crowley."


"Because it's over, you son of a bitch," Dean told him. "We want to deal."

"30 seconds."

"We stop the trials, and you stop the killing," I told him.

"I want the demon tablet. The whole demon tablet."

"Fine, but then the angel tablet comes to us," Dean told him.

"On what grounds?"

"On the grounds that you're a douchebag, and no douchebag should have that much power," Dean answered. "Deal or not?"

"First I need to hear two little words. I surrender."

I rolled my eyes, looking at Sam and Dean.


We drove along a paved road, parking behind Kevin's car.

Kevin was standing under a sign with a picture of a cartoon devil and the words 'Dave & Paul's Chili Pot Restaurant' written on it, digging, looking behind him toward us.

Sam, Dean and I got out of the Impala, walking toward Kevin.

Kevin continued to dig, taking out the demon tablet, walking toward us.

"You hid the demon tablet underneath the devil?" Dean asked. "Seriously?"

"What?" Kevin asked. "I was delirious." He placed both pieces of the broken tablet together, making them fix themselves like he had done with the angel tablet. He handed it to Sam. "You sure this is gonna work?"

"What choice do we have?" Sam asked.

I took out the key box that held the key for the Men of Letters bunker, removing the key from the box, handing it to Kevin. "All right, listen, this is a secret lair. You understand me? No keggers."

"I don't have any friends," Kevin told us.

"Yeah, well, just lay low," I told him. "Who knows? You'll be a mathlete again before you know it."

Sam, Dean and I turned to leave.

"You guys?" Kevin asked. We stopped, looking at him. "You're doing the right thing."

Sam and Dean looked from each other to me.

I looked at Kevin, nodding.

We walked toward the Impala.


Dean pulled us up to the Singer Salvage Yard.

I got out of the backseat, walking toward the burned-down site where the house had used to be. 

Sam and Dean got out of the Impala.

It felt good but very painful to come back here after everything that happened.

I looked toward Dad's car.

Wake Me Up When the Bad Life Ends / Book Seven / The Life Series / SupernaturalWhere stories live. Discover now