You and Me Forever [Larry Stylinson] Part 7

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This is part 7  :)) I hope you guys actaully like my writing.. :)). i am writing really slow -_- I got like scratches and such on my right arm like yeah.cause i slipped when i was playing soccer with my friends at recess and then my arm landed in the snow and my back like slapped the floor and goddamn it ! it fricken hurt. well anyways....... here you go :)) xx

                                           Louis' POV

It kinda scared me even though hes my boyfriend that he was not telling me where we were going so i kinda felt nervous and such. I asked him every about 5 minutes. "Harry where are you taking me" "Louis will you just shut up!" but i knew what he meant. I understood completely that i would sound annoying and i just looked out the window through the whole way. I heard a sigh. "I'm sorry" is what I heard. I chuckled lightly, he looked confused. "It's okay. I knew i would of sounded annoying. It's okay really." I smiled as I pecks his cheek. "phff, okay. well i Love you" he smiled "i love you too sweetcheeks" and smiled.

He stopped at the redlight and turned to me and kissed me, i kissed back. We heard a honk and a load wheel noise which meant they were trying to stop. I then pulled back and looked at the person behind us and it was a big truck thingy. Harry looked at me and I looked back at me and I said "I love you with all my heart harry dont forget that"and Harry couldnt say anything back because the big trunk hit us and it really hurt. When we got hit we were getting out. I was loosing vision because the glass from behind us had cracked and came all over me.

                                      Harry's POV'

I was already out of the car and bearst into sobs and crys and sniffles because Louis was on the ground his head was bleeding and he arm and his forehead. I grabed my shirt and and started ripping peices off and putting some around his head and where ever it was bleeding. I already knew he would go in a coma and have a concusion. I called the police and they arived fast. The ambulance was already taking the love of my Louis to the hosptial and i was crying because this is all my fault and i didnt mean to. I still remember his last words he said to me after this. "I love you with all my heart harry dont forget that" I whisperd to myself as the abulance asked me if i wanted to come. I nodded slowly getting up and walking over. I got in and took a seat.

I grabbed my boyfriends hand and whispered."I love you with all my heart Louis dont forget that"  My tears started to land on his hand and i was telling myself that its all my fault. When we arrived they took him away and left me in the waiting room till he was ready.


It's been over an hour and still no feedback and i knew i had puffy red eyes and i was sniffling as I was trying to calm down. I just couldn't. I kept crying. and saying in my head "If he go's I go." I gradded my phone and texted the boys and my mom adnd Gemma.

To: Niall, Zayn, Liam, Mom, Gemma

Me and Louis got in a car crash :( please come asap. we are at the hospital. xx

From: Harry

It sent. I heard the text message ding thingy and it only said

Okay be there soon stay strong.- Liam, Zayn, Niall

I love you soooooo much Harry. I'll Be there soon xx- Mom

Stay strong Haz I'll be there asap- Gemma

"Stay strong Haz" I heard in the back of my head. It was his voice. It me cry more.

The hospital doors opened again and it was all 5 of them. They came rushing to me and all gave me a group hug. I could see they were holding there tears.

"What happend Haz?" Liam said as they all pulled away.

i sighed. "i told L-louis to get r-ready and we went to the car and i stopped at the red light and kissed him. and then a big truck was honking from a far distance. Louis' last words i heard when he turned to me was 'I love you with all my heart harry dont forget that'. They we got hit and and and and --" thats all i could say for now. "Its okay" Is all i heard before they all sat down and Zayn was comforting me and i layed my head on his lap and my knees curled up to my chest still. so i guess i looked like a ball. A human ball. I fell asleep.


"Harry please please please stop!" I heard louis yelling even though he was dead. I started cutting so i could be with him "Leave me alone! I want to be with you! I love you to god damn much to not see you! I'm bitter without you! DONT YOU SEE ME! HOW TORN I AM! THIS IS ALL MY FAULT!!!!!!"

"stop stop, Haryy wake up!!! " I heard Zayn yelling at me to wake up because i was sweating crying. I woke up and sat up immediatly and i cryed. sobbed actually. "what happend?" "I-I-I-I- had a dream about Louis telling me to stop cutting even if he was dead a-and i was torn" i cried out "its okay buddy its okay" its only been what a hour and fifteen minutes and the nurse finnaly came! I was so happy.

but then those words came out..

Sorry I'll upload again today ;) I promise! I love writing for you guys so here. I loved the ending!!! Comment waht you think is going to happen. Because I do :p


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