Chapter 3

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The ride was silent and not long enough for me to catch up on my much need sleep. As we pulled into the driveway I was dumbfound by how big the place was. Since it was dark I could only see the outline of the house but I could defiantly tell their were at least five levels, maybe even more. We parked in front of what seemed to be the main entrance and Devon pulled me out of the car. She dragged me through the house to what seemed to be the kitchen. I swear I'm going to have bruises on my arms from her hands.

As we walk into the kitchen I see these two vampires, a man and women, standing at the counter. Was the man Zain?

"Hi mom, hi dad," Devon said as she pulled me into the kitchen

"Hi sweety, and ohh who is this we have here," her mother questioned, eyeing me suspiciously. It was obvious that she could tell I was human.

"This is my present for Zain. What do you think?" Devon responded.

"I think she is an excellent sixteenth birthday present," her dad, who is obviously was not Zain, said as he felt my chest and rubbed up and down my legs as if he was looking for something,"She also seems to be in perfect shape."

"Darling, what is your name," Devon's mom said glaring directly at me,"and exactly how old are you?"

"Mu my names Lola and I'm fififteen," I responded trying to keep myself from stuttering. They all just scared me so much. I just wanted to cry but I knew I couldn't.

"Ah, so she is new," Devon's dad stated," Zain will be able to have so much fun with her and she won't have any old and annoying, bad habits."

"Yes, I know, I'm amazing," Devon exclaimed," Now when is Zain getting home so I can make sure everything is perfect."

"Asher should be bringing him home in about a half an hour,"her mother stated.

"Thanks mother, I will be down in a bit to help you with the decorations. I'm just going to get her positioned in his room."After Devon said that she was dragging me up the stairs.

After climbing three flights of stairs, we were finally to what I guess was Zain's room. Just about everything was black with the exception of a few grey and white things. He had what looked like a giant queen sized bed that was set in the middle of his room. He had black couches two of the walls and other two had doors leading to mysterious rooms.

"Ok, I want you to sit on his bed for now while I figure out how I want I to look." Devon told me with an evil scowl across her face. I knew whatever she was thinking,wasn't going to be good."Ok unbutton your shirt for me."

I did as I was asked, unbuttoning my my long-sleeved blue flannel shirt, knowing that if I didn't she would kill me. After I had it unbuttoned she came up to me, took the bottom corners of the shirt, and tied them across my chest. I really didn't see a point in the shirt anymore but I have to admit, she really did know how to make a person look nice. "There," she exclaimed,"your shirt looks nice and those shorts are fine." As she finished, I heard the engine of a car as it pulled into the driveway. "Oh no, he's here. I want u to sit legs crossed in the middle of his bed and wait for him to come up. Also don't say anything unless he asked you a question, got it."

"Got it," I said as she walked out the door. I hear her rush down the the stairs not knowing what fate lied ahead if me. As I heard then yell surprise I realized that this was the start to a really long, or possibly very short evening.

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