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I just had an idea for another story so here is the first couple of pages.

Please read "Temp My Love" Book One, also by me.  This is in the finished stage at the moment, but I will be writing book 2 after I have finished 'Tied To Destiny'

Please feel free to give me either positive or negative feedback.

Thanks and happy reading.


It had been a hot summer, the Californian sunshine had left my skin with a sun-kissed healthy glow and blonde highlights in my long chestnut colored hair.  My eyes were the same green as the ocean today.  When I was little my mother used to tell me she could predict the weather with my eyes, they went more grey when the sky was full of thunder clouds and green when the day was clear. 

Sitting out on the deck of my borrowed beach house I watched as the sun dipped gracefully into the ocean’s horizon.  The sky bloomed pink and orange tonight, it reminded me of the tie dyed shirts from the 70‘s that had come back into fashion recently, it was mesmerizing.  Tomorrow was sure to be another typically glorious Cali day.

Some late afternoon joggers ran along the shore, they tried dodging the ocean foam when it came too close.  It was fun to watch when a particularly unpredictable wave washed up on their sneakers.  The look on their faces was priceless, some were shocked and others just laughed it off.  The same people had inspired me a little over a week ago to start working out again.  The first few days were exhausting, with my body protesting after jogging for even a minute, I was out of breath and terribly unfit.  I pushed on though, through the pain and felt like I could at least pretend that I had been exercising for years.

Mrs Meisner from a few houses down was on her deck in the downward dog position doing her daily yoga moves.  She was the atypical californian retiree, 60 something with a decent body and two large oranges as tits stuck proudly to her chest, she wasn’t shy and often sunbaked in all her naked glory.  Her leathery skin was dark brown and wrinkly, not something I wanted to aspire to.

Instead I choose to take advantage of the sun in the morning or the late afternoon because leather look skin did not a good look make.

The sun was almost gone, making its last salute for another day.   It slipped behind the ocean and instantly the bright orange and pinks that had lite the sky changed to purple and blue, equally as beautiful but it seemed to have lost its effect on me.  My mood changed instantly, the darkness of my not too distant past enveloped me like a magicians blanket, twirling magically in the air, mesmerizing me one minute, only to fall over me like darkness creeping through a forest at night. 

Memories I had decided to put in my past, I kept them under lock and key, too painful to relive, the broken engagement and almost marriage to a man that took me for an absolute fool.   Taking complete advantage of the social status of my family, something I didn't care much for. I would rather be at home watching trashy reality tv then killa dressed up at some social event that was always bigger than the next one on the calendar. 

So here I sat or rather lounged, on the wooden slatted banana lounge with the ultra soft cushions, contemplating life and the abrupt turn of events that had lead me to occupy this amazing honeymoon house...alone!  In a beautiful location that was Southern California....again alone!  

I stood up, swinging my legs out from under me and slipping me feet into my flip flops. I wiggled by French manicured toes that I had done myself yesterday, purely out of boredom.  There were only so many walks on the beach or wildlife preservation meetings that I could handle and I was now seriously contemplating cutting this vacation short by two weeks. 

Looking out to the sea calmed me, i inhaled deeply the salt air, sucking it deep into my lungs. The same view had graced me for two weeks already, some days I appreciated it more than others. The view would never change, but i had. Not really sure for the better, but my main resolve was to never be taken a fool of again.  I was ready, eager...hungry, for my new beginning. I could now taste it. 

Yes maybe it was time to return to the real world...

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