Chapter One

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Hi my lovely wattheart readers,  I have been wanting to write this chapter for about two weeks and finally had some time tonight to get it out of my system.  

Its kind of unedited.  Please comment me and vote for every upcoming chapter you read, it much appreciated.



A new day greeted me, the sun shone through the sheer curtains of my upstairs bedroom. I chose to keep the blinds up allowing the morning sunlight to filter into my bedroom. It made little reflective paterns over the white walls. A reminder that I was not in my home back in New York but instead in a modern built beach house with the most glorious view.  The window pane was up with only the fly screen to stop insects getting inside, I loved the fresh air first thing and sat up inhaling deeply, relishing another new day. 

Throwing off my shorts and cammi I’d worn to bed, I padded to the bathroom and readied my self for my early morning run. Well it wasn't that early, if you consider 9am to be a sleep in,when I rolled out of bed most days. What was the point of having time off if you didn't sleep in!

Today my parents were arriving to spend a couple of nights with me, I hadn’t seen them since my abrupt departure from their house the day I found out Tommy had deceived me.  Mum was so worried about me leaving on my own and staying in this honeymoon house, it took alot of persuasion for her not to come with me.  Dad was extremely over protective as well, I had to make them both promise to just give me time and wait for me to be ready to have them visit.

They meant well and loved me, after all I was their only daughter and had been doted on since my birth.  It could make you feel claustrophic sometimes, it was too much.  It had occured to me, once I became an adult, that I may be the reason why my parents had remained married for 25 years.  I rarely saw them apart, but not long after I was born mum picked up and left with me in toe.  My Aunty CiCi had confided in me years ago, although I had never spoken a word of it, afraid that I would betray my Aunty, who I adored, but scared to ask my mother the truth.  What had made her leave when I was only a baby?Maybe I would never know, lately it had bugged me more than normal and I resigned myself to asking her if ever the opportunity arose.

I had always wished for a love like theirs when I was little, dad was kind of famous for several years, as a b grade actor, he just didn’t cut it in the mega stardom category, even though I thought he was amazing.  But they looked so glamorous when they attended functions, my mother so stunning in a ball gown and dad in his dapper tuxedo.

They were the poster child for a happy marriage.  They were beautiful and successful and I always hoped to find the same.

With Tommy I thought I had found it...I looked into the mirror pulling my long hair back into a low ponytail, I pulled the cap over my head and pulled out my hair out of the hole in the back, adjusting the peak low over my eyes.  I ran a chap-stick over my lips and smushed them together making a popping noise with my lips. 

I got dressed in my running shorts, singlet and sneakers that I had laid out meticulously the night before on the vanity, shook the tension out in my shoulders that gripped me whenever I thought of my ex, then headed downstairs for a quick drink of water and out the back door.

The beaming sun was already beating down, it was hot enough to instantly coat my skin in a sheen of sweat.  I headed along the wet sand at a steady jog pacing myself for the hour it took me to complete the routine I had started for the last week.  

My mind drifted back to my parents and their impending visit.  I wasn’t ecstatic about having to share myself with them.  One thing I had learnt in two weeks of being here is that I actually liked being solo.  Yes I missed them, I spoke to my friends every few days, only because they kept calling to check up on me, but I didn’t mind my own company, its was liberating.  Tommy was calling me also, I had to filter my calls for this reason.  

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