Little Visitor

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It's a cold, snowy night, the wind howling loudly and shaking the creaky little house. The blond sleeps peacefully in his bed, undisturbed by the unforgiving storm raging outside. It's quite a comical sight to see, the man's body thrown over his bed like an old t-shirt, his mouth agape and drool pooling in the corners of his mouth as he snores loudly enough to rival the storm.

An insistent knocking sounds through the silent house, getting louder as it goes on. The wind cuts off, leaving an eery silence that the knocking cuts through almost deafeningly. It's enough to stir the man, who, until now, had not awaken for any other sounds, not the wind, nor the car alarm that had sounded just a few minutes earlier. He rubs his eyes and checks his phone, reading the blurry numbers on the screen, the light burning his weary eyes. "Bloody three a.m. and someone is knocking on me door..?"

He shoves his feet into his slippers, wishing to avoid the chill of the hardwood on his bare feet, and wraps himself in his blanket before shuffling downstairs clumsily, some trepidation in his movements. Why would someone be out in such terrible weather?

He grabs a pair of tongs from the kitchen as he moves toward the front door, pulling it open a crack before furrowing his eyebrows and opening it all the way.

"H-hello!" The tiny boy squeaks, shivering and shaking, snow stuck to his hair and clothes. "I i-is cold! Am come in house n-now!"


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