Chapter 2

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Ben's POV
It was last day of school me and my friends have always skipped the last two periods to pull a prank on one of the teachers , you know the classics this year we planned to egg mr.martins car

"Where are the girls with the eggs" Colton said in frustration

A car pulls up blasting "Panic At The Discos! Hallelujah "

"Hey guys sorry we are late there was a long line at target" Alice said getting out of the car and giving Brody a kiss they have been together for 4 years the longest out of the whole group , Nolan and Aria have been together 3 , Colton and Lily have been together as long as Peyton and I 1 year .

" yea sure I'm guessing there aren't just eggs in all those bags " I said while grinning

"Ok maybe we got bathing suits for are group get away to the Hampton's" Peyton said

"Ok that's not important lets go egg mr.martins care before the bell rings and he comes out side" Nolan advised .
We ran around the parking lot looking for the car , when Alice finally found it we only had a couple minutes
"Hurry I see him " Peyton said
When mr.martin got closer everyone ran
"Wait Ben can you throw the cartons out we will be waiting in the car at the back entrance " Brody said
I ran to pickup the cartons and throw them out as I ran to the back entrance I ran into Emma she was drowning in tears ,soon mr.martin approached and accused Emma of the prank and punished her, I drove over to my little sisters day care.
" hi I'm here to get my little sister Audrey Maverick " I said to the lady at the front desk
"Oh hello Ben you mother came by just a while ago to pick her up "
I ran to my car  , I gripped on the wheel . I Raced home as I pulled into the driveway And ran up to my apartment that I shared with my mom and little sister
" Audrey are you here " I yelled

" yes I'm back here with mommy " she hollered back , I ran back to her room when I walked in she ran up and gave me a big hug

"Benny look mommy got us some new summer clothes"

"Wow there so nice , mom can I talk to you " I said giving a half smile
My mom and I walked to the kitchen

"Hey Ben are you going to explain yourself " my mom said

"Don't even try to act like a mom today"

"What do you mean I act like a mom everyday "

"Are you kidding all you do is lay in bed all day and go out at night then bring random guys home"

"Ben I'm trying, ok your dad left me and you two kids alone an-"

"Mom it's been three months I've been taking care of the house and Audrey ok not you "

"I'm your mother ok and you won't disrespect me this way "

"Ok well where did you get all the money for these clothes "

"I got the money from one of my friends I met at the club he has a great job "

"What being a drug dealer, yea great job mom I'm leaving and I'm taking Audrey with me" I walked into Audrey's room and grabbed her and some money I had been saving , we got in the car and drove away as my mom chased after us.
"Where are we going Benny " Audrey asked as she cried

"To Peyton we are going to pick her up and go to the park , don't worry mommy is just not feeling well " , we drove into Peyton's driveway I left the car door open and ran in side and opened the door to Peyton's room

"What the heck is going on" I said when I saw Peyton and on of the jocks Carson making out

"Ben what are you doing here " Peyton said

"I could say the same thing to this guy "

"I thought you broke up with him I broke up with Emma " Carson said standing up

"Well I was going to so it but he never came to the car at the back entrance " Peyton said in tears ,I couldn't tell if it was because Carson was mad at her or because I caught her

"What ever no need I'm leaving and oh by the way Peyton lose my number " I said as left I got in the car and went to my dads. I drove up to his huge gated house that I use to live in. He divorced my mom and she took us with her when she left, all our stuff was still there along with the good memories . I picked Audrey up she feel asleep and I walked to the door and knocked.

"Ben what are you doing here " my dad said as he open the door

"Can we come in "

"Yes of course, is your mother with you"

"No can I go put Audrey up stairs if her room is still there" I said sarcastically

"Yes go ahead come back down here when you do" he said , as I walked up the stairs into my little sisters room I put her in bed and gave her a kiss on the forehead

"Benny why are we here" she said half asleep

"I don't know " I started to tear up I just whipped them away

"Ben what's going on why are you here" my dad said as we set down

"Well mom is out of control she doesn't do anything for Audrey , lays around all day and goes does good knows with good knows who"

"What do you want me to do"

"I want you to take Audrey for the summer I'm not going to be home "

"We will talk about it in the morning just go to bed ok " he said as he got up , I went up stairs took a shower and watched the friends marathon that was on and went to sleep.

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