Chapter 1

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Emma's POV

It was a hot summer day it was the last day of a school for Arlington High. My friends Zoe, Sofia, Ellie and I where talking outside of the school as a herd of students came out.

" So Em are you coming to the mall with us, " Sofia asked me.

"Um no I cant I have to pick Hadley up from the airport " I said frowning

" oh wow she's coming back from Paris already" Zoe said with excitement

Hadley was my Older sister she's 25 and went to Paris to work on her fashion career , the whole family is proud of her

" yea where having a party for her " I said " you guys should come"

"OK!!" they all said in sync

"ok it's at Four 'o clock and its a surprise" I said


Carson: hey where r u we need to talk

Me: um ok one min I in the front of the school with girls met me here in 5

Carson: ok

"who's that" Sofia asked

" um Carson he needs to talk to me about something " I said in a worried tone

" Emily I'm sure its nothing " Zoe said

"yea" Sofia and Ellie said

" Ok well we need to go get outfits for the party" Ellie said squalling

"Ok bye "

I sat there worried, Carson and I have been together for 3 years we met in history class we have been on and are family's are really good friends

"hey" I heard Carson say

"Hi honey " as tried I try to give him a kiss on the cheek he pulled away

" um we need to talk Em " he said frowning

" what is it"

" I'm breaking up with you"

I couldn't process what he had just said I busted in tears and ran away before he could say any of those clichés , I was crying so hard I could barley breath or see I was half way to my car when I bumped into someone I looked up to see it was Ben Maverick one of the trouble makers

"are you ok" ben said

"um yea I'm I'm fine " I said wiping my tears

"are you sure"

"yea I'm fine don't worry about it " he looked at me with uncertainty as I wiped away my remaining tears

"HEY YOU TWO!!!!!" ben and I turned around to see Mr. Martin coming toward us with an angry face

" I know you two did it " Mr. Martin said

" I don't know what your talking Paul " ben said

"don't play dumb and have a little respect my names Mr. Martin , I know you egged my car the evidence is all over you and Emma"

I look over at ben and see egg on his hand then looked over at my self to see egg all over my denim jacket the egg must have gotten on me when I bumped in to ben

"what's going on " I asked confused

"you two trouble makers egged my car that's what' going on here Miss. Porter "

"I don't know what your talking about I didn't do anything "

"ok that's it to my office"

He tugged us into the school and down to his office Ben had a smug look on his face, we sat there while the principal talked to our parents .

"alright you two I talked to your parents and since its the end of the year " he paused "your two will be working at a summer camp with no pay "

"but Mr. Martin I didn't do anything I'm being accused of something I didn't do" I said frowning

"well I'm sorry miss. porter I cant go by students words then no one would ever get punished

"she really didn't do anything the egg must of gotten on her when I bumped into her" ben said as Mr.Martin got up to open the door

" I don't want to hear it " Mr.Martin said pointing us to the door

ben and I made our way out the school he looked so sad

"hey I'm sorry I got you trouble" he said looking down at the ground

" well maybe it wouldn't of happened if you had better friends , I mean where are they I don't see them fessing up" I said in a loude tone

"hey there good people its your fault I got caught " he said pointing at me

"ok yea sure, well now I'm 20 min late to pick up my sister from the airport"

" I had things to do to "

"yea ok well I guess ill see you here next week at 5:00 in the morning " I said as I walked away to my black ford escort

I got home to see a whole bunch of cars in the drive way and to loud music , I walked in to see Hadley and the rest of the family I ran up and gave her a big hug I could feel my parents eyes burning holes in my back

" Em look at you all grown up" Hadley said

" ok girls lets take a picture of the three of my baby's" my mom said

"mom can you not " London said

we took a picture then I saw my friends come in , I told them every thing when I was finished we ate and very one left when we where done cleaning up my parents called me into the living room

"Mom , Dad let me explain"

"we don't want to hear it Emma where disappointed in you" my dad said

"why , would you do something like this, is it because Carson broke up with you" my mom said


I took a hot shower hoping every thing that just happened was a dream I put on a t-shirt and some socks and got my favorite snack nutella sandwich , turned on the TV a Pretty Little Liars marathon was on so I watched that until I feel asleep.

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