♡ JADE ♡

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I smirk softly as the cool Los Angeles breeze blows against my hair, my car pulling out of Hollywood Arts High School parking lot and flying down the freeway at exactly 3:01 pm.

School had ended at exactly 3:00 pm and I had no time on a Friday afternoon to be stuck in traffic. I slammed on the brakes, halting my convertible as I approached a stop sign. Tori Vega gasped and jerked her head to face me, from the passengers seat as I smiled slyly.

"Dammit Jade, slow down!" Tori groaned, crossing her arms.
I rolled my eyes, but not before smiling to myself at how worked up Tori acted over the smallest problems.

"Sorry Tori, which one of us in this car is a licensed driver?" I pointed to her quickly. "Hm, not Little Miss Vega. But, me." I turned my finger to myself and slammed on the gas as the traffic light turned green, keeping my eyes on her the whole time.

Tori sighed. "You're a pain in the ass sometimes. No wonder-" She looked down quickly and bit her lip.

I narrowed my eyes. "No wonder what? That Beck hates me? And has a new girlfriend?" Tori looked up at me, frowning, as if she let the cat out of the bag. "I don't give a shit, Vega. If he wants some little blonde bimbo with tits bigger than her brain, thats his choice. I saw them making out after second period, its not some secret." I sigh. "Besides, we broke up six months ago. I've moved on, too."

"No! With who?" Tori tilted her head, smiling with wide eyes. "I'm happy for you, Jade!"

"You're a dumb ass. I'm talking to that guy from Sikowitz class, Tatum. We have a date tonight. I told you earlier." I roll my eyes again. "Get a grip Vega."

I hear Tori gasp as I come to a stop sign, halting. I look over at her, her face red and her lip quivering. Oh no, I know whats coming.

"Jade, you're a real bitch sometimes. You expect me to remember every little thing you tell me! You know what? You never ask me who I like or how my day was or tell me about the homework when I miss school. Its always something!"

I sigh and turn onto her street, while letting her finish her little rant and debating breaking her pretty little face for yelling at me like she knows me.

She continues, and I hear her voice crack. I look over to her as I pull into her driveway. "I'm going through a lot of shit right now Jade! My mom fucking moved out last week, to live with Dads coworker. His own coworker! She was sleeping with him!  I've barely slept because I keep having these god awful nightmares. Trina is away at college, I miss her like crazy. Dad always works. The house is always so empty and cold and I can't fucking stand it!" By now, tears are running down her face and its blotchy.

I truly feel bad. I frown, trying to think of what to say without sounding like I actually care. "Damn, Vega." But I do kind of care... Tori never cries. I know shes really fucking upset right now. "My mom left too, when I was in middle school.. but it gets easier."

She looks at me and sniffles, wiping her eyes with her sweater. I nod. "Yeah. Soon, you'll have a stepmom and you'll forget all about your mom and her new man. Fuck your mom, I never liked her."

She winces a bit. "Thats not really helping but.. thanks for trying I guess?" She sighs. Now I feel even worse. She's still crying a little.

"Okay look, after my date with Tatum I'll come over with ice cream and movies and all that shit you like. We can like, hangout I guess.. for an hour or so."

She smiles wide and reaches over, hugging me close so my head touches her neck. "Thank you Jade. I knew you always cared."

I pull away after a moment, hiding my blush and pushing her back gently. "Don't hug me or call me your friend or tell anyone about this. And we're not watching girl movies. And I'm not painting your nails or any of that stupid shit from mov-"

It's too late. Tori is stepping out of my car and smiling, skipping up her front porch steps. I sigh and pull back out of her driveway, heading back up the freeway towards some club.

"It's going to be a long night."

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