♡ TORI ♡

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The house is cold and empty. I step into it, shivering as I look around. What were framed family pictures are now broken shards of glass scattered across the coffee table. The furniture is all rearranged. I hear my mothers voice from what feels like a million miles away. I run around the house quickly, trying to listen for the direction of the voice.

"Mom!" I call out. I hear scratching noises now all around me, and I see the wallpaper crumbling off the walls of the family room, falling to my feet in shreds. I cover my ears and begin to cry.

"Tori! Sweetie, come here! Come hug me before I have to go!" I look all around, narrowing my eyes.

"Mom! I can't find you!" Suddenly a shadow appears righr before my eyes and grabs my shoulders, throwing me onto the ground and leaping onto me, punching and hitting me.

I scream my mothers name between punches to the jaw, crying loudly as the mysterious figure continues to assault me. I try to push him off but he overpowers me, holding me down.

I hear the voice again, but this time its deeper and sounds closer. "Tori! Tori! Vega!" Only one person could call me that.

My eyes burst open and Jade is sitting in my bed beside me, her hands gripping my shoulders. My eyes meet hers and she looks confused. I'm sweaty and crying and my feet are tangled between my bedspread. "It was a bad dream, a bad dream." I whisper to myself, rubbing my eyes as I sit up.

Jade moves her hands away, still looking confused. "Yeah, Tatum brought me here thirty minutes ago. Eventually I got tired of waiting on you to come to the door so I let myself in and here you were, fighting some invisible figure and yelling mom."

I look over at her, gasping for breath. She hands me a bottle of water from her hands quickly, half empty. "Here." I open it carefully, bringing it to my lips.

I sip it slowly, still watching her. "Um, how was your date?" I try to change the subject. I don't want to talk about my dream. Jade probably thinks I'm stupid and psycho and dramatic. I don't want to hear her comments right now.

She looks down, picking at lint on her long black tights. "I don't like him. We tried to sneak in a club but he couldn't pass as eighteen. So then we ate fucking fast food because he was all pissed about the club then he brought me here. And we didn't even get drunk or fuck. Total waste of a night."

I blush brightly at hearing Jade say fuck, picturing quiet little Tatum from class 'fucking' Jade in the backseat of his moms minivan. "Gosh Jade, its not called fucking. Its making love."

She laughs. "Maybe for you and all the losers you've dated. You probably think its about candles and kisses and promise rings. I like someone who can push me against the wall and rip my clothes off and fuck me, no I love yous or fancy dinners."

I blush even deeper. "Shut up, Jade. You don't know what I've done."

She smirks and looks up, turning to me as she sits criss cross in my bed. "Unless you're a... virgin." She winks.

I gulp down some water again. "So what if I am? I'm proud to say I haven't fucked every guy from Hollywood Arts."

Jade rolls her eyes. "Damn, Vega. Wasn't implying that. I've slept with four people, okay? Beck and the other ones have all been one night stands over the past few months, which is how I like it." She crosses her feet.

I raise a brow. "Four? Hm.. so Beck.. and who else?" I lean my back against the headboard, looking at Jade, surprised that shes telling me anything personal.

"The night we broke up I was really sad and shit so I fucked his friend from his acting class, Joey. Total loser. Then three months ago, I fucked this college guy named Derick, he was pretty good. Then a month ago, I fucked this chick named Danielle I met in a club. Total babe." Jade smirks.

I gasp, my face reddening again. "D-Danielle? A girl? But Jade.. You're straight." I look around uncomfortably, my mind racing. What about Beck? They were together so long. Is Jade a lesbian? I mean, I support it. But-

Jade breaks my million mile per minute train of thoughts with a quiet laugh. "Don't assume a person is just gay or straight, Tori. Let's just say I'm..." she bites her lip, thinking. "Open to fuck anyone who makes me cum and has a cool personality, whether they're male or female."

I nod. So she's bisexual. "Well, okay... I'm just surprised, Jade."

She shakes her head. "Come on Tori, like you've never had thoughts about a girl."

I shake my lip, my face reddening. "No, I like guys Jade." I look over at her purse on the floor. "This is stupid, did you bring movies?" God, this conversation couldn't be more awkward. A few months ago me and Andre had talked about who we would go gay for. He said he loved women but would make an exception for Usher. I had said Lily Collins. And all I could think of at the moment is how much Jade resembled Lily Collins. Fuck.

Jade smirked and stood up, walking to her purse and pulling out a DVD, putting it in the player. "Time for Texas Chainsaw Massacre." She plopped back onto the bed as the movie began, grabbing one of my pillows and curling up with it.

I sighed and laid back, hearing a chainsaw purr on the TV. Fucking Jade and her awkward conversations and horror movies.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2015 ⏰

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