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Ashley's P.O.V

I love going to school reason why everybody fears me which means I get what I want. I have a lot of followers who knows not to fuck with me or else their faces will be be re-arranged to a different shape.Teachers thing I'm an angel gives me straight As, but secretly I let the nerds do my homework for me. But the number one reason why I love school is because I get to see my MAN AKA MATE FOR LIFE. Everytime I see him my heart skips beat I just want to jump him in front of everyone and kill any bitch who even side eye him. Caleb is the most popular boy in town he's soon to be alpha and he's sexy as hell and all that is mines. 

''Why haven't you been answering my texts,calls,facebook messages and video chat?'' I ask Caleb who've been acting really funny from yesturday.

''I was busy.'' he said while taking his books out of his locker. 

'' Yeah really doing what?'' I said taking his books before he put them in his bookbag.

''Training like what I normally do.'' he then taking back his books putting them in his bookbag.

''Oh yea I can't wait to be luna.'' I said grinning ear to ear.

''You know I don't like talking about these things at school especially in front of your followers and your just my main bitch not luna.'' he said with the coldest look in his face.At least I was still his main bitch which means that I'm going to luna.

''Ok Caleb I like being your main bitch.'' I said while he walked off looking piss. Whatever he'll get over I'll just fuck him in the boys bathroom like last time. 

''So girls don't you think I would be the most beautiful luna eve-''I was cut short by this dumb bitch who bump into me like is she stupid don't she know who I'm and who is my MAN AKA MATE. Then I looked at her face and saw that she just a dumb ugly freshman note to self ruin this girl life. 

''WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING IDIOT LIKE FUCK ARE YOU STUPID'' I said yelling at the top of my lungs causing a scene so everyone can see this idiot and not be friends with her and I know my followers are giving her the evil eye. The look on her face just shows that I just ruined her life sighs so dumb next time she'll watch where shes going. Hope she learned her lesson I don't wanna see her face again. 

When lunch time came around I was looking for Caleb cause we usually sit together at the popular table. He as been M.I.A all day today did I really piss him off that much like I've done worse than that so he can't be angry over that simply thing. So me and my followers went into the lunch line skip some people, thats when I finally saw Caleb he was already got his food walking out when that same freshman bumb into him also. She as some type of bumbing into people problem like seriously but I know Caleb's going to put her into her place cause he's alpha and don't like that kind of shit. But he didn't curse her out or anything he helped her taking up her food from the ground and smiling at her looking all happy and shit OH NO THIS AS TO STOP NOW.


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