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Maria's P.O.V 

''That girl is still alive.'' was barked into my face as soon as I enter the room I knew I had to say something good. 

''Yes but next time she won't be trust me.'' I said with determination in my face this girl can't live after I'm done with her. 

''This is your fucking last chance or everything you have will taken away from.'' All my hard work will not e taken from me this girl have too go.

''Yes I know I promise you she's gone.'' And with that I was dismised. 

Caleb's P.O.V 

''You ok Ari?'' I ask for the hundredth time to her she was sitting in our room watching a movie but I was still scared. 

''yea Caleb I'm perfectly fine trust me you can closer to me nothings going to happen.'' She said smilling at me and patting the empty space next to her. I moved over and sit next to her then she put her hand around my shoulder and she rest her head on my lab. I ran my hand through her nice curly hair. 

''I'm sorry Ari I just can't help put worry about you.'' I said looking down on her with a smile. 

''I know Caleb and I think thats sweet.'' she said moving her head up to give me and kiss on my lips. I moved my head back so that she woudln't kiss me. When I did that I could see the hurt in her eyes that she tried to hide.

''I'm sorry Ari its just that when you lost contrust was when we were about to do things and I don't want that to happen again.'' I said truthfully to her. 

''Caleb you can't keep thinking about that it's not healthy and what happen that day had nothing to do you and me.'' 

She was right I need to stop thinking bout that day and move on and leave the pass alone. I looked down at her and looked at her eyes and saw the love in her eyes god she so beautiful at that moment I didn't anymore I lean down and kissed her on her soft lips. I thrust my tongue in her mouth were I explored her mouth.I went down to her neck and kissed it. 

''I love Caleb.'' I immediately stop and looked at her. 

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