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Pika_Lu made these amazing book cover for me. Thank you so much ❤❤


My cheeks turned red from embarrassment from the accusing glare of Mr. Reagon, my math teacher as I stared back up at him. The whole class had their eyes on me and Mr. Reagon. See, the thing was that I liked to sit in the back of the classroom, but I usually listened closely to the lectures the teachers would say. But today I just couldn't. It was like my mind wandered from topic to topic. I found myself zoning out and falling behind in class when we took notes.

I sat by the window in math class, my most favorite place to sit in a classroom to occasionally look outside. Well, I must've looked a little too long and zoned out once again. This time Mr. Reagon caught me, walked up to my desk, and tapped my shoulder.

"Landon? Would you like to tell us what we were just talking about?" He had asked me. And that's how I was stuck staring at him from flaming cheeks.

"Uh, n-no sir. Sorry I, um-" I bit my lip, I think I was talking way too loud. That or it was just dead silent in the classroom.

"Wasn't paying attention? Yeah, I know. Next time you do that, I'll just have to-" but I didn't get to hear what he said next because the office was calling him from the school's phone. He sighed, looking at the ringing phone then back at me, "Just pay attention, alright?" I nodded, shifting in my seat. People's eyes turned away, no longer interested in the embarrassing moment for me.

"You okay there?" I looked up to see who was speaking directly to me to see that it was Cole. The same Cole that -- well, I think -- flirted with me at Sierra's party. "Your cheeks are really red." I didn't even know we had the same math class together.

I know they are, why point it out? I bit my lip, pulling on my long sleeve to cover up my hands. "Yeah, I'm okay."

"Don't worry about Mr. Reagon," he said, eyes never leaving mine, "Anyways, how are you?"

"I'm alright," I said, a little slower than usual. I didn't understand why he was talking to me. Of all people, why him? It's not like we ever associated before besides at the party. But that was such a long time ago.

"That's good." He licked his bottom lip. "A few of my friends and I are going down to the diner to get something to eat after school, wanna join?"

My face went red once again. I ducked my head down back to the worksheet in front of me, hoping I'd cover up the redness in my face. "Um," I said, still looking down, "I'm actually kinda busy." and I wasn't lying, I would be busy. I had to go study for my history test and try to find clothes to wear on the date with Bates tomorrow. "Sorry once again. Have fun though."


"Here, open up."

"Ugh, what is it?" I asked with closed eyes. Bates and I were at the lunch table Alice and I usually sit at, eating together. Jessie and Jonas were sitting at their regular table. Jessie is helping Jonas for the history test -- the same test I'll be taking tomorrow, which is Friday -- so we both sat somewhere else to enjoy each others company. We were playing a game where he puts food in my mouth -- only the good tasting kind and not some disgusting mixture of food so I'd throw up -- and I'd have to guess all the different types of food he put in my mouth with my eyes closed.

I chewed the food slowly. "Um, cheese, ranch doritos?"

"Correct." Bates said, flicking my arm that was on the table. I opened my eyes to see him grinning at me.

"Bates," I said.

He quirked an eyebrow playfully at me, "Landon."

I grinned, rolling my eyes. "So about the date, what am I supposed to wear?"

Bates & Landon [Wattys2015]Where stories live. Discover now