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Taking deep breaths, I raised my hand to knock on Landon's door, but froze halfway. Why was I so nervous? I had hung with Landon multiple of times, so why am I feeling like my heart is going to beat out of my chest and go flying away? I tried to block the thoughts that were making me feel all jittery and nervous. So I raised my hand and knocked on the door. The door opened, revealing her father. He sent me a tight smile, "Come on in." I walked in and immediately felt warmth envelope my slightly chilly body. "She's, uh, getting ready. She's very nervous - oh, I wasn't supposed to tell you that. Um, pretend I didn't say anything."

I nervously tapped my fingers against my leg. "Uh...okay." I bit my lip, looking around. Emmy was at home with Andrew and Mom while I went out.

"Here," her dad walked into the living room, taking a seat on the love seat. "Have a seat." I sat down beside him. We stayed in a awkward silence until he spoke up. "So where do you plan on taking her?"

"Uh, a picnic at the park-"

"In this weather?"

"I have thick blankets, and uh-"

"What time will you bring her home?"

"I was thinking ten o'clock, sir," I answered as politely as I could manage despite my nerves. "But then I was going to ask you to see what time was alright with you-"

"Honey! Can you go and get Landon's boots? They're by the door!" Mandy's loud voice interrupted us.

"Okay, I will," he said, sighing, and got up with a small grunt. I heard shuffling upstairs and her dad tell Mandy a quick, "he's here," before coming back and sitting down beside me. "She should be done soon," he said once he sat back down.

And I said, "Okay."

"I just have one thing to say," said her dad with a serious expression after a few moments of silence between our conversation. "You seem like a nice guy. And she really likes you. But if you dare hurt her, I'll break you in ways that hasn't even been invented yet. Understand?"

"Yes, sir." I replied, nodding quickly.

Not long after, she was done and walking into the living room. "Sorry," she apologized, frowning and I wanted nothing better than to make her smile instead, "I didn't know what to wear and I-"

I stared at her, lips turning into a smile. "It's okay." She was wearing a dark red sweater and black jeans. Her hair was down and loose with a light wave to it. She stopped talking and looked at me, smiling instantly once our eyes met.

"Alright," Landon's dad clapped his hands together, snapping us out of our stare, "be back by thirty minutes after ten. No later. If so, I will not be happy. Got it?"

"Got it," we both said and left the house before they said anything else.

"Did he say anything to you?" Landon asked me, talking about her dad with a worried expression.

"Not really," I half smiled at her, my hand intertwining with her own. She squeezed my hand and I squeezed right back.

"So where are we going?" She asked, and I didn't answer because I didn't want her to know. And she said, "You still aren't going to tell me?" And I smirked down at her and she scowled. So I stopped walking and gave her a short, passionate kiss to rid the scowl away.


"Whoa..." she said in awe, looking around once we arrived at the park, "You did all this by yourself?"

"Um," I nervously stuffed my hands in my pockets. "Jonas and Jessie,had to help a little bit." Actually it was mostly Jessie and I, Jonas sat on the slide and watched us.

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