chapter 13

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Morning arrived soon after the commotion as Ciel was awoken by Sebastian and Jocelyn by Kira. They both met outside with the idea of actually spending their time wisely. Which is being there for their vacation. Sebastian arrived in front of the 6 servants with his usual smirk, Kira off to an unknown place. The 6 servants giving off a horrible gloomy aura.

"What a horrible trip" Baldroy said with a sigh.

"Yes, yes" Sakura said sighing as well.

"What's the matter?" Sebastian asked amused. "You were so enthusiastic on the way here"

"Eh?" They all turned to see Sebastian.

"Yeah, well..." Uta began stopping with a sigh.

"Have you forgotten? We came to a resort" Sebastian said as he lifted up a shipped shirt with a picnic basket.

They all suddenly brightened up at the thought as they changed fast and went towards their known resort. Splashing around they all came out in their bathing suits, except for May-rin and Anna since they were both shy and self conscious.

"Who would have guessed it was so comfortable? The waters not even cold!" Baldroy said with a relieved face as funny nodded I agreement.

"You come out too May-rin, and Anna!" Uta said with a grin turning back to the wooden cabinet were the girls changed in.

"I can't" May-rin said.

"It's just too embarrassing!"

"Yes it is!" May-rin said picking her head out just like Anna.

"Chances like this don't come everyday like this!" Baldroy yelled back, scolding them.

"Get in already!" Sakura shouted at them with a grin, wearing a two piece green swimsuit.

"I'm so embarrassed" May-rin said as Anna nodded her head agreeing.

All of them stopped as they looked at the two cute girls. May-rin wore her white top and short with a red line on the seam, a coat behind her with ribbons around her legs, while Anna wore a frilly pink swimsuit, both of them wearing a blushing appearance.

"You guys look great!" Finny smiled as a light blush came on his cheeks when he saw Anna.

"R-really?!" They both said with a smile.

"Yeah, and I think you'll look better without those glasses!" Uta said as he reached out to pretend grabbing them a mischievous smile on his lips.

"N-no!, no" May-rin said as she stepped back with the rest chuckling in amusement.

They resumed their fun time as both Jocelyn and Ciel sat in their seat. Jocelyn wore a coat covering almost all of her body.

"You're not going to bathe master?" Sebastian said looking towards Ciel. "Ah! That's right you-"

"Just being able to bathe in this season isn't much of a selling point for a health resort" Ciel said cutting Sebastian off.

"Do you truly intend to make this place a resort?"


"What about the demon hound?"

"I'm sure you've caught on to its true for as well sebastian!" Jocelyn said chuckling.

Nodding he smiled at Jocelyn in politeness. He notice Kira behind Jocelyn, surprised he didn't see her before.

"Hello, Kira" Sebastian said smiling at her.

"Hello Sebastian" she greeted as the two masters shrieked at the new voice.

"Oh my goodness, when did you get there!" Jocelyn said grasping the place where her heart is.

"About 5 minutes ago lady Jocelyn, won't you be bathing with the rest mistress?" She suggested.

"Of course I am!" She said standing abruptly as she took off the black coat, revealing her body, she wore a light orange bathing suit as she grinned, a spark in her eye. "I'm not going to waste my free days like Ciel! I'm not boring, make sure you follow Ciel's orders while I'm having fun!" She said as she ran towards the water.

"I'm not boring!" Ciel protested but was too late, sighing he sat back, his book laid downward on the coffee table. "Come here you two"

"Angela!" Finny said as he waved towards the maid sitting on the blanket under her white umbrella, she waved back with a soft smile.

"Yes, my lord" sebastian said with a hand to his chest.

"Of course master Ciel" Kira said as she bowed a glint in her eye.

"W we shall do it right away" sebastian said standing up right as he began to walk away with Kira trailing him, but stooped when Ciel spoke again.

"You're awfully motivated. I thought you hated dogs?" Ciel said a blank look on his face.

"Yes, I do, so I'd like to wrap things up as quickly as possible" sebastian said a Kira chuckled. "Before everything goes to hell"

The servants sat down on the blanket as they ate their share of the food, Anna notice Angela wasn't eating so she spoke her mind.

"Aren't you going to eat miss. Angela?" Anna said tilting her head to the side.

"Are you sure it's alright for me to eat with you?" She said hesitant.

"Of course! Sebastian's cooking is the best after all!" Finny said with a smile.

"He's alright, I like Kira's cooking better though" Uta said shrugging off the cooking.

Laughing they began to eat their mini sandwiches. There was commotion behind them, Ciel turned his head as he saw the villagers running with pitchforks and torches in the middle of the day.

"They say the grabbed a bad dog" a man said.

"Someone told me it was that kids dog, , he had an extra dog without permission" another spoke, gossiping.

Listening to the conversation the servants, Ciel, and Jocelyn, ran towards the comotion.


"Punish them all!" At one point they all go captured by the village and chained up.

They ordered the dogs to advanced towards the group, at the last moment when Ciel was about to get his face ripped off, Sebastian landed on the dog and kicked it away. Kira stood behind them watching the amusing show. He turned towards his master and bowed in respect.

"I apologies for being lade my lord" Sebastian said with his usual smirk.

"Better late than never" Kira said with a giggle as she landed beside Sebastian, turned towards the crowd.

"We know who the actual culprit is" Kira said, stepping to the side as Ciel told the story of Henry Barrymore.

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