Chapter 3: "She's a freak like us."

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Arriving at the Freakshow, and seeing that people are actually there, is a dream come true all on its own.

I follow behind Creature, letting him lead the way in. On the way, I see the current snake lady leaving.
Weird.... doesn't she work today?

I shrug it off and continue on. It's weird, recognizing people I've never met before. But I know who everyone here is. And before I know it, Todd is standing right in front of me.

"Hey T, this is Valerie. " Creature says before Todd can ask and I can make a fool of myself before the initial shock wears off.

"H-hello sir." I don't know what else to say, so I just wave, adjusting the basket strap nervously in the process.

"Hello Valerie, it's nice to meet you. You're a friend of Creature's?" He gives me a polite smile and it relaxes me a little. So far so good, I haven't gotten in trouble for not giving prior warning to anyone but creature.

Truth of the matter is, these guys are seriously hard to contact if you're not already in the show business.

"Actually, she's letting me stay at her place." Creature says bluntly, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.

He's only known me a night, and he already knows what this means to me...

/the night before/

"So, I gotta ask, why did you invite me to stay here?" Creature looks at me with uncertainty. "I mean, it's not that I'm not grateful, I'm just wondering why? "

I nod. "I understand, you have the right to be curious, I'm a total stranger who asked if you wanted to stay in her home. But you gotta remember that for me you're no stranger, you're someone I've looked up to for 3 years. The whole Freakshow is, really. And because of that I know you have issues finding places to stay, because you choose to be exactly who you are and who you want to be. I don't like that, how they turn you away and all, ya know?"

He looks down a little, not saying anything. But I can tell he knows what I mean, and I can see that he appreciates it. But when he looks back up he has a smile, and is ready to change the subject. "So, you really want to work at the Freakshow?" He asks.

I take a deep breathe, and I wonder how to explain exactly how much I want to. "Yea... a lot. " I laugh, struggling to find the words. "I've been in love with Circuses, and Sideshows, ever since I could understand what was going on in front of my eyes. And that love was resparked and kicked into high gear about two months before my 18th birthday, when I found you guys's show."

"You know," he smiles, "most people who like our show just watch shows." He laughs, shaking his head a little. "What made you try?"

I can't help but laugh with him. It's the same thing so many people have asked me already.

"I got tired of being so afraid to live because I didn't want to die, and I was tired of feeling dead because I didn't want to be hated for what's inside."

/at the Freakshow, The day after again/

I see Todd's eyes widen a little, but his smile grows too. "Really? Well, that sounds great. But I do have to ask, what you are doing here?"

Once again Creature speaks before I can, and I'm thankful, because I think I would have chickened out right then and there, especially since the other members are gathering around now, curious.

"She wants to show you guys a stunt she does. She's a freak like us. " He says it proudly, and it makes me smile. "She says she wants to put in as a snake lady. "

"I-if you don't mind having a second one.... that is...." I manage to say. I suddenly realize I feel kinda horrible coming in and going after the job someone else here has already.

"Actually, you'd be /the/ snake lady, as of less than an hour ago." Todd says, looking from me to Creature.

"No way, bro, you fired Jenevieve?" And on some level I can hear a bit of relief in his tone.

Todd nods, and looks back at me. "So, you wanna be our new snake lady?" He looks me over, in a T-shirt and jeans, and I can tell what he's thinking.

"I'm a bit of a different spin on it, and I'm hoping it'll be enough to make me a snake lady fitting of the Freakshow and its style."

"Alright. Well, why don't you take the stage, and let's see what you can do." He directs me to the stage and I step up, taking a deep breathe.

This is it....

Fine for just a moment (A Mister Morgue fanfic) [Freakshow]Where stories live. Discover now