Chapter 10: "Promise me one thing..."

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I'd been stuck in the hospital for a few days, but this morning I finally got out. I pretty much had to fight my way out, since I'm still healing, but there was no way I was missing tonight's performance at the Freakshow.

Morgue said he was working on a new stunt, with razor blades. I was scared for him, really truly scared for him...if something went wrong I wanted to be there to help him like he helped me.

And I wasn't going to be able to do that from a hospital bed.

The show began as it always did, and I was happy to be back. I couldn't swallow anything, but I could still play with fire, and for today it was enough. This was Morgue's show.

During the early acts, I saw Morgue go into the back by himself. He wasn't looking so good.

"Hey, you ok back here?" I asked, following him, as any good pest would do.

"Yea, I'm fine." He responded plainly.

"Is this about your mom?" He had really wanted her to come see him perform, and I knew this meant a lot to him.

He's always acting like he doesn't care about what others think of what he does, everyone here does that. Even I have done it, but truth is, we all care. The crowd is our energy, our drive to do more. We definitely care about what they think, especially if it's good. We don't admit it so much, but we care what our friends and family think too. Even Morgue does, and I know he wants them to at least understand why he's made the choices he has.

After a few moments he nods his head. "At least partially, yea... I understand that she's busy, I just would have liked her to see this. With how dangerous this stunt is, especially. Who knows if she'll ever get another chance." And he says it with a little bit of a smile, but I can see there is also fear.

And with those words I find myself having trouble breathing, like air isn't quite small enough to fit in my lungs as they contract from the pressure on my chest.

"Just.... promise me one thing..." I say quietly.


"Don't die..." I hug him quickly, keeping my head down as the idea tightens its hold on me, and after I hug him I hurry back out before I can hear what I worry will be his response.


After Valerie let go and left, I stood in silence a moment. I've had plenty of people care about me, and plenty of people tell me to be careful. But this was different, and that weighed on me. Her request for a promise hung open in the air as she left.

No doubt she knew...

I can't make that promise....

Fine for just a moment (A Mister Morgue fanfic) [Freakshow]Where stories live. Discover now