Feelings and Loss.

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Picture: Austin :3
This chapter will be mainly in Vic or Tony's Pov.
Once I hung up the phone, I turned to Mike. He raised his eyebrows. “Austin said to go to the hospital right way and Tony is a wreck. " I explained. “Well where is Tony?" “He's in an alley, near a club. Holding Mary's blood soaked beanie. Lets go. We need to get Jaime too. " I explained as I stopped a taxi.
.....time skip to when they get Tony.....
Before I could close the door, Tony came up to me yelling. “HURRY THE HELL UP. LETS GO." I put my hands up in surrender and we gathered inside the car. Tony, Jaime, and I were in the back while Mike was up front. I looked over at Tony. He had red puffy eyes and tears streamed down his face.

I can tell he really cares for her. I mean, we all do, but him. He's a wreck. I'm kind of curious how he feels for her. Mike Jaime and I think of her as a sister but Tony...
I remembered our conversation we had in the mall. He was happy to have her by his side.
~flashback to mall.~
We walked in silence towards nowhere. I decide to talk to Tony about Maryjane since she wasn't paying attention to us. “Hey tone." He looked up.
“I was wondering, why did you react like that. You know, at the bar."  He thought for a second before responding. “because, he was hitting her duh. So I haf to do something since nobofy else was." There was something off. He seemed nervous to answer the question, like there's something more to that. I eyed him. He smiled widely. “imagine if we wouldn't have helped.'" Oops, that slipped. “I can't imagine that. Im happy we helped though. " he smiled as he said that. “Yea, im happy too. I look at her like she's my sister. I really care for her." He nodded, smiling.“I know, I'm glad."
~end flashback~
I still think theres something more. I need to ask him how he really feels. “We're here. " godammit taxi driver! I sighed. I handed him the money and got out. “Why are we here." Jaime asked. I motioned them to follow me. We went inside and I looked around for Austin.

“Vic! Over here." Ah there he is. Oh, he has a lady friend. I made my way towards them, making sure the guys followed. “Austin, why are we here?" I asked. I turned to the girl. “oh. Uh hi. Im Aliza. Big fan as well." I smiled and took a good look at her. She was beautiful. Short wavy dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and she was a similar height to me, well i think so. She's wearing a nice black and grey patterned crop top along with black jeans and a leather black jacket. For shoes, she wore plain black heels. Wow, she is absolutely breath taking. Wait, is she with Austin?

“Nice to meet you Aliza." I turned to Austin,“Why are we here, and have you seen her?" Right when I said that he looked down and put his hands in his pockets. “About that. Um shes actually in there." He pointed towards the ER doors. “WHAT.WHAT HAPPENED TO HER." I see Tony is thinking the same thing as me. “A guy tried raping her. He hit her head badly and left her barely conscious. If I hadn't heard her screams, I don't think she would've made it this far. I tried to call an ambulance and the cops but he threw my phone and ran. That's when Austin came and we took her here." Aliza explained. Oh. My. God. Tony started to cry harder and I started to tear up myself. How did this happen? I can't believe this. “T-thank youu" Jaime stuttered. I turned to face him, tears were falling, Mike's eyes were watery as well. “Is she ok? Do you know anything?" I asked. He shook his head, “No. We just have to wait. Come one sit down guys." We all sat down. Now is the time to ask Tony, I believe. Should I? Yea, I should. “Hey Tony can we talk?" He nodded and we stood up. I made my way towards an empty hall, Tony right next to me.

“Tony. I need to ask you something." He nodded, wanting me to continue.
“I want you to be completely honest with me. Ok?"
He nodded, confision filled his watery eyes.
I sighed,“Tony, How do you feel about Maryjane?"

“Tony, How do you feel about Maryjane?"
How do I feel about her? What does he mean? Im so confused. I think he noticed because he asked again but this time, clearly. “Listen, I know you care for her alot. And I know you dont see her as a sister like I do. So I'm asking again, what are your feelings towards Maryjane?"
I sighed, rubbing the back of my neck. So he's noticed I dont see her as a sister. “So you've noticed?" I mentally slapped myself, of course he has stupid! “psht. No shit. Ever since day one, I've noticed. The way you looked at her, how you cried for her even though you didnt know her. The sweet things you tell her, how you hold her and smile at her. So I'm asking one last time. What do you feel for her turtle!" Yea, I should just tell him. I mean whats so bad about it right? Only Vic is going to know, hopefully. I nodded. “Vic, I really really like her. She's like so perfect. Shes sweet, funny, beautiful, smart, kind. Ever since I saw her, I wanted to take her frown upside down. I wanted to see her happy. I wanted to hold her hand and hug her. I just really like her. " I let the words flow through freely. I didnt even realize until I finished. But I meant it. Vic smiled widely, “Alright man. I just needed to know because I see you really like her and care for her. But Tone, you gotta wait. You barely known her for a few days and she just suffered from a really bad relationship." He's right. I gotta give her time, and even if I've known her for only a few days, I feel like Ive known her forever. “Im glad you understand. Come on lets go." What, oh ok, I thought out loud. Well at least he knows. Ohh waittt. “Vic hold on." He turned around, eyebrows lifted. I need to ask him what he thinks of Aliza. I saw how he looked at her. “So um Vic. I saw how your eyes got when you saw, you know, Aliza." I smirked and wiggled my eyebrows. His face turned red and he began to get tangled with his words. “I-I uhh. I-I d-dont know what y-you mean." He looked down, avoiding my eyes. “YOU LIKE HER DON'T YOU!" i started laughing a little. “UH. I-I.  So what if I do? I mean, uh. No. " he looked away, face red. I laughed at his answer. “ooohh Vic and Aliza. Haha. Im teasing monkey man, lets go. "
We made our way down the hall, reuniting with the others.
UUUUGHHHHG. We've been here for over an hour and still no news from her. I looked around to see Aliza sleeping on Vic's shoulder. Awee. Good job monkey man. I see Austin asleep as well. The only ones awake is Mike, Jaime, and me of course.

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