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The Picture is all of Aliza's Co-workers. The guys that work there will be in the next chapter!!!


"Guys!! Just three more days until her birthday!" Tony shouted as he ran downstairs, a huge smile on his face. We chuckled. "We know!" We all shouted, by we it means, Jaime Vic, Mike and I. He's been doing this for four days, counting down how many days are left for Mj's Birthday. Like my nickname for her? Maryjane, Mj.... no? Ok...

"Ok, Vic, It's 11, can you drop me off now?" I asked as I turned to him. He nodded and stood up. "Hey, can I come?" Tony asked with a smile. I chuckled, "I'm going to work Turtle." He nodded and made a duh face. "I know! I just want to stop by Jaxin's house so I can show him a new design for our clothing line."

Vic nodded and grabbed his keys as we headed for the door. "Mike, if I see porn on the tv when I come back I'm kicking your ass!" Vic shouted as he walked out the door. We laughed as Jaime said, "He he, you never said Jaime!"

"Gross! Same goes to you Hime-Time!" I yelled as I shut the door. Vic, Tony and I gathered into the car, Vic driving, Tony in the backseat behind Vic, and I was in the passenger seat. "You look fancy today!" I chuckled at Tony's comment and shrugged. "First day on the job, need to impress!"
"Better not impress any guys..." Vic mumbled. "Awe, babe! I won't let any guy get in-between alright?" I pouted. "Better not, or else I have to chop somebody's dick off." He stated seriously. "Awe, come on dude! That's painful even thinking about it!" Tony said.

We laughed as the car came to a stop. "Have a good first day at work Llama!" They both shouted as I got out the car. I walked up to the black door as Vic pulled away.

"Aliza, welcome to your first day of work!" Abby shouted as I walked in. I smiled and waved at the three workers standing before me. I was familiar with two, Abby and the tall pale skin black haired girl, and the guy with blue hair, I didn't know.

"Hey guys!" I said with a smile. "Come over here, meet everybody!" Abby dragged me to the room where they pierce people's bodies. Once everybody made their way to me, Abby started introducing.

"This is Ruth," she pointed to the tall pale skin black haired girl. She wasn't so tall, just tall to me, she's probably like 5'6. "This is Alexa," she placed my attention on a beautiful tall girl with pink, purple and blue hair. "And that is Thomas, Kevin and Austin." She pointed to a tall skinny guy with brown curly hair first, then a dude with black short hair and lastly the blue haired boy.

"Hey guys, I'm Aliza, nice to meet you." I shook their hands and smiled. "Nice to meet you too pretty lady." Kevin said, smiling at me. I chuckled. I noticed he kept looking at me.... better look out for this guy...

"Anyways, this is my station. I piece people's bodies. So does Thomas and Austin. You, Ruth and Kebin will be tattooing people and Saige works the lobby, counter, sruff like that." She explained. "Let me show you your station!" Once again, she dragged me down the hall and into a room. "It's in-between Kevin and my stations. We left the walls clean so ty ou can decorate the way you want. You can paint the walls, put pictures up, posters, anything you want really, it's like your room I guess. So feel free to move anything around and stuff." She finished.

"Everybody to their stations! Break ends in two minutes!" She shouted as everybody left the room. Everybody but Kevin. He chuckled, "Classic Abby." He stated. I chuckled too, "Is she always like that?" He nodded and smiled. "She is so cheery amd makes everybody happy. When Saige isn't around, she's in charge by the way." I nodded. "When did you start working here?" I asked. "About two years ago, everybody here is basically my family." He smiled and chuckled.

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