Your Sweet Talk Always Was A Bit Much Chapter 3

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The rest of the weekend passed by relatively quietly. Damien went out to a party Saturday night, but I didn’t feel like joining him. I didn’t know many people there, Lex couldn’t make it, and I didn’t want to have to hang onto Damien the whole night. I spent most of Sunday practicing a few songs on my guitar and texting Lex every now and then. Damn boy had gotten it into his head that I’d feel rejected if he didn’t text me once every few hours, and it was getting annoying. 

            School on Monday was less than interesting. Luke, Blake, and Sarah kept glancing at me, but they didn’t acknowledge my presence besides the time I almost ran into Luke in the corridor. No one at this school really acknowledged my presence. When my brother left to go on tour and I moved in with Damien I had had to change schools, and they weren’t very welcoming. My brother Chris took most of my close friends with him, but I made do with Damien, a few people from my old school, and my band. Although Chris was the one on tour with a band, he was just their manager and I had always been the one with musical talent.

            I walked out of the building into the fray of peoples hanging around the wide steps that led down to the parking lot from the front doors. Picking my way around people who seemed incapable of considering that people might be trying to get away, I noticed a lot of them were staring at something. Finding myself close to Sarah and Blake, I heard Sarah ask, “Isn’t that that guy from Damien’s?” I looked over to where they were looking at and internally groaned. It was Lex. Leaning against his motorcycle. Wearing aviators. In a leather jacket and jeans, looking like he stepped out of a magazine.

            Trying to get around people without physically pushing them, I made my way down the steps and approached Lex with a scowl on my face. What the fuck was he doing here? This was not good. He knew that I didn’t get on with people at my school. He also knew that I wouldn’t want to bring undue attention onto myself.

            He grinned when he saw me break away from the crowd and walk across the parking lot towards him. “Hey babe,” he said when I was in earshot.

            “Lex, what are you doing here?”

            “Picking you up from school.”


            “Because you don’t have a car and it’s quite the walk back to your place.”

            “I take the bus.”

            “Well, I thought I’d give you a ride. Do something nice for my girlfriend.”

            “I am not your girlfriend!”

            “Yes, you are,” he said frowning.

            “Since when?”

            “I don’t know exactly, I thought you agreed this weekend.”

            “Sleeping with you doesn’t make me your girlfriend, Lex.” I sighed. This was crazy. Here was this gorgeous guy who had been chasing me for weeks now, wanted me to be his girlfriend, and I was fighting with him about it, even though I had implicitly agreed since Friday. He was standing there with an expression of confusion and hurt. “I’m sorry. I’m overreacting, I’m just surprised that you’re here, and everyone’s staring at us. It kind of threw me.”

            He smiled. “Good. I’m sorry if I made things awkward for you at school. I’ll buy you a drink to make up for it.”

            I chuckled. “Its three o’clock on a Monday afternoon, Lex.”

            “Whatever, I’ll buy you an ice cream then.” He put the aviators back on, unzipped his jacket, settling it over my shoulders instead, and held out a helmet for me. I accepted it, biting back a sigh. I reached up and started taking the bands holding my hair up out, until my hair settled across my shoulders, down to my waist, allowing me to put the helmet on. Was it bad that I was already regretting this?

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