Saving an Angel from flying away

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Hansol skimmed through the delicate book written by Flora from the age of six, until now. Tears fell thick and fast with every word of doubt, tear stain and blood stain etched into nearly every page. Action needs to be taken. Hansol marches to the headmaster's office and stops when seeing Miss Lucy of the infant talking to him about the same matter. "Those children are in danger and all you've done is push them away!" Hansol hears Miss Lucy roar but both parties stop arguing when seeing the teenager standing patiently. The headmaster straightens his tie, "what is it Mr Chwe?" , He sighs in annoyance. "I...I have some information, that confirms the truth about those girls..." Hansol sheepishly hands the head master the book and he starts to read it, his eyes widening, his mouth agape but most importantly, his heart sinking with every syllable. When the headmaster is done reading, he silently places the book on the desk and slowly picks up his phone, dialling a number and pressed the mobile to his ear. "Hello? Is this the police? I would like to report a case of kidnapping and slavery." His voice is stern and cold, his other hand clenched around a pen, he's angry but most of all;
he wants to sort it out

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