Kiki (chapter 3)

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I jumped awake, started by the ringing of my cellphone in my ear. I picked it up, and answered it, wondering why an unknown number was calling me.

"hello?" I said in to the phone while yawning, arching my back as I stretched. "Kiki?" a familiar voice said unsurely into the phone. "Danny?" I said, surprised to get a call from him. "How did you get my number?" I asked, still slightly shocked from him calling me. "My dad knows the principle. All the students numbers are in their files. It's required they out them on their entree form." He responded quickly, probably not wanting to seem creepy for having my number. " I looked at my window, realizing it was dark. I looked at the clock above my bed, wondering how long id been asleep.

"Danny! It's 11:00!" I whisper yelled into the phone. "is it? I didn't realize. He said, almost sounding genuinely surprised to find how late it was. "Why are you calling me?" I asked, after a short pause, letting my curiosity take over. "If you must know, I was calling to tell you that you were going to see a movie with me tomorrow." he said, acting like this was something I should have already been aware of. "I am, am I? What if I refuse?" I asked, curious to what his reply would be. "If you refuse, you miss out on all the fun." he said, and I could almost hear his smirk growing bigger through the phone. I thought for a moment, not wanting to make it obvious I didn't have any plans on a Friday night. "Well then I guess I'll go." I said, smiling. "Ok. I'll give you detail tomorrow at school." "ok. Goodbye." I mumbled, eager to go back to sleep. "bye." he said, immediately hanging up the phone.

I tossed my phone onto my dresser as a wave of exhaustion suddenly hit me. I laid back down, relaxing as I sank into my comforter, then realized I still needed to shower and change out of my jeans. I sighed irritably, disappointed by the fact that I couldn't just lay back down and go to sleep. I stumbled into my bathroom, eyes half closed from just waking up. I stepped into the hot water, feeling relaxed as the bathroom steamed up.

After I was done, I put on a gray hoodie, that had sleeves that came down to my knee. I put on a pair of black soffee shorts, and climbed back into my bed, pulling the covers up to my nose as I shivered in the coolness of my room.

I woke up on my own, panicking slightly when I realized my alarm didn't go off. My eyes instantly went to my clock, which read 7:45. "Shit." I muttered to myself, pulling myself into a sitting position, frowning as I yanked my covers off and was exposed to the cold air. I stood up quickly, almost falling down because of the sudden rush of dizziness that rushed over me when I stood up too fast. I ran over to my closet, yanking out a pair of plain black skinny jeans and a iwrestledabearomce t shirt with a black blazer. I put on the first pair of hoes I saw, which happened to be my combat boots. Not bad for an outfit put together in about 30 seconds. I glanced at the mirror, groaning when I realized my hair was in desperate need of a straighter, which would take at least five minutes. I rushed into the bathroom, not bothering to take yesterday's make up off as I just wiped the smudged eyeliner off and applied a new layer, along with my mascara.

I tore through the contents of my bathroom drawer, not stopping until I came upon a pink bow and a purple and blue mini hair straightener. I quickly brushed my hair, wincing slightly when I came across a particularly large tangle in my hair. I plugged the straightener into an outlet next to the sink, thankful it only took a few seconds to get hot. I grabbed it right when u saw the tiny red light glow, indicating it was hot enough to use. I rant through each part of my hair, making sure to straighten out all of the waves and curls. When I was done, I clipped the pink bow into my hair, and stepped back, checking for any mistakes.

I ran into the kitchen, grabbing a granola bar as well as a monster for breakfast. I stooped down, reaching for my backpack which was still in the same position I left it yesterday on the floor. "BYE MOM." I yelled as I shut the front door, running in the direction of my school while unwrapping my granola bar at the same time.

I stepped into the front of my classroom right as the bell rang, signing in relief when I realized I wasn't late. I skipped happily to the back of the room, sitting down in my seat next to Danny. He smiled, waving at me as the teacher started scribbling math equations onto the board. I waved back, smiling cheerfully at him. "okay class, copy down these problems, as well as the ones in page 182 in your textbook, and solve them. Once you are finished we will go over them, and they will be taken up for a grade." way to dampen my good mood Mr. Harod.

I rolled my eyes, ripping a piece of paper from my notebook and flipped through my textbook until I found the right page. I started solving the problems, not really focusing.

"psssst. Kiki! Are you deaf?" I looked to my side, surprised by sudden noise. "I've been saying your name for 10 minutes." Danny whisper yelled, seeming slightly annoyed. "sorry. I must've dozed off." I replied, yawning. "Really? I don't notice..." Jason said sarcastically. "shut up." I said jokingly, giving him a soft punch on the shoulder nervously. God. I'm so awkward.

I jumped slightly when the bell rang, grabbing my paper off my desk and handed it to the teacher on my way out. "So,Kiki," Danny started, putting his hand on my shoulder. I stopped walking, and turned around so I could look at him. "I thought we could go see The Last Exorcism." "Awesome. I love horror movies." I said, hoping I didn't sound as nervous as I felt. Don't get me wrong, I love scary movies,but I get really scared while watching them.

When I got home from school, I started getting ready, because I got home t 4:15 and the movie was at 6:00. I stepped into the shower,scrubbing my hair. After I was done, I blow dried my hair, brushing it with a comb. I put a thick layer of eyeliner on my eyelid at my lash line. I put some mascara, and walked back into my room. I dug through my closet, pulling out a sweater with white and black stripes on it, and a pair of black skinny jeans. I slipped on my black converse. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked the time. 5:40. Just as I was about set my phone down, I got a text from Danny.

'Be there in 10 minutes.'

I read it, instantly responding.

'ok. See ya soon.'

'see ya.'


Hai guis :3

Sorry it took me forever to update x3

I'm going to start updating at least once a week

So yeah.

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