Chapter 5

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In America-

3 Weeks later- (February 23)

            *The girls are all at Carly’s house for a sleepover.*

            “Come on guys the more we write notes the bigger chance we have of one of the boys picking it up and reading it.” Maggie was trying to convince Carly, who had decided to stop writing the boys, to keep writing.

“Its too late. They have to make plans for this kind of stuff. If they haven’t contacted us by now then they aren’t going to. It's a waste of time.”Elizabeth helped Carly. The girls spent the rest of the night fighting. They couldn’t get Carly to keep writing. They weren’t angry when they woke and went straight to their regular fun. They were disappointed in the other girls, but put it behind them knowing they couldn’t do anything about it. Carly  decided she would write one more set of notes for the boys since she had already written the majority of them.

In London-

1 Week later-(March 2)

“Its like she’s breaking up with me.” Liam cried into Nialls’ shoulder. “She didn’t even give me a chance.”

“Im truly sorry mate.” Niall tried to comfort him.

“Its not even happy and peppy like her usual notes it sounds forced and bored.” Liam said still crying.

“So Niall and I get to txt our girls tonight?!” Harry sounded overjoyed, but was quickly scolded by Zayn for not realizing the sad state Liam was in.

“Yeah I guess.” Niall said containing his excitement.

“So now we only get two notes each and four addressed to One Direction all written by Maggie and Sasha?” Louis asked.

“Yeah isn’t it brilliant.” Harry exclaimed still not able to keep his excitement from showing. Niall was the same. The grin on his face was probably the happiest the boys have ever seen him and that was saying something. The boys could tell that Maggie and Sasha were the girls for these two boys. Through their notes their personalities were displayed perfectly and they matched and in some areas contrasted the boys perfectly. Two matches made in fan fiction heaven. ;) Niall left as soon as he could to be alone when he txt’d Maggie. Harry decided to wait as well, but seeing as the boys had caught onto his plans they made themselves comfy. So Harry waited… and waited… and waited…and waited.

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