Chapter 7

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At Maggie’ House- Same Day

Sasha’s POV-

*Loud Laughter*

“Sasha you’re crazy!” Adriane said.

“How? He said One direction was stupid and gay. It was only an instinct to grab his baseball bat and chase him around the school with it.” Sasha defended herself.

“I agree with Sasha. HE was obviously the crazy one.” Maggie said gaining her another roar of laughter from everyone. I noticed her phone ringing on her bed.

“Maggie you just got a txt.” I said pointing to her phone. I watched as she went to answer it. She seemed confused as she saw it.

“It’s an unknown number.” She explained. Then she clutched her chest and sank down to the ground. “Gu- Gu- Guys…read this.” She finally mumbled. We all looked at her again and I grabbed the phone from her and read the txt out loud.

Hey Maggie, its Niall Horan. I know its crazy, but I got your number and just had to contact you. So how are you love? Xx

I have actually never seen a persons jaw drop but surely enough one by one all four of the other girls’ jaws dropped open. Then Carly’s snapped shut and she was the first to talk.

 “Someone HAS to be prank texting you.”


“Yeah how would he even get your number?”

Then Adriane.

“Plus they cant just txt fans like that. Fans are too crazy they would just give it to anyone.”

Then Carly again.

“And he didn’t even tell you who gave you his number or why he just HAD to txt you. Wouldn’t the real Niall actually tell you and not be so unclear?”

I knew what they were saying was logical, but I looked at Maggie and saw it was just upsetting her that it wasn’t really him, but she changed her face quickly to a smile to hide her disappointment.

“True it’s probably just some annoying Directionator thinking she could pass as a fake Niall.” Maggie said as the girls laughed. “What should I reply?”

“Just play along.” I said. I knew she was secretly hoping it was actually Niall Horan. I was too and I saw her reply as I told her to.

Oh hey Niall. Im good. How are you?

The girls laughed thinking she was mocking ‘Niall’ when really she was being nice incase it actually turned out to be him. I went and sat right beside her as the other girls went back to their conversations. He replied fast.

Better now that you’re txting me ;). Xx

Now I knew this wasn’t Niall. He wouldn’t randomly flirt with a complete stranger. Then again as a directioner I think I know him, but it’s not like I’ve ever met him so he might be a big flirt. So I told her to reply nicely again.

Aww well isn’t that sweet. So what are you up to?

They went back and forth for a while and I was starting to get annoyed with this person. We had been subtly grilling him on questions we knew only Niall or the boys or a Directioner would know and this person got them all correct. This person was good and beating me at my own game and it was getting on my nerves. I wanted them to admit that they weren’t really Niall and to stop messing with Maggie. All of my Directioner friends were here so whoever was pranking me was probably a Directionator from my school and I was getting sick of their games.

“Maggie just stop txting him back.” I said. She had pulled me downstairs with her. We sat in the kitchen making chocolate chip pancakes.

“Well I don’t wanna be mean.”

“They’re pranking you. Don’t you think they deserve someone to tell them off?” I huffed. “Give me your phone.” I ordered. I grabbed it and txt the culprit. I handed it back to her and she read the txt.

 Look im not stupid I know this isn’t actually Niall Horan. This joke has gone on long enough I hope you and your friends have had a good laugh. Please stop txting me. Bye.

We laughed and went back to making pancakes. Then the girls came rushing down the stairs. It sounded like a herd. Whenever Maggie’s parents aren’t home with us we always try to make a lot of noise so her cute older brother will talk to us. So now as the girls rushed down the stairs screaming he came out of his room and shirtlessly, slowly, and perfectly walked down the stairs. We had obviously woken him from his sleep. I felt bad, but he was so cute as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

“Seriously do you guys have to do that every time you come over?” We giggled as he got the milk out of the fridge took a swig and put it back in. The girls and I were now used to him doing that and just stared in awe as he made his way to the living room.

“Sasha someone txt you.” Carly said handing me the phone.

“Are the pancakes done?”Elizabethasked.

“Almost.” Maggie replied.


“CHILL YO TITS GIRL!” I yelled and then we burst into laughter. I shook my head and went back to flip the pancakes before I answered my text.

I opened it and then just stared down at the phone in my hands in disbelief.....


I feel like I suck at cliff hangers and should just stop. hahaha oh well. Thank you to everyone reading. Again i will try to update all of my ffics today or later this week. I really appreciate everyone that is reading. Thanks for the votes! it means a lot! :) Hope you like it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2013 ⏰

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