Chapter 1 : Moving Houses

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Hope's P.O.V

I woke up from a very disturbing LOUD sharp sound ringing in my ears "DRringgg dringgggg'. I threw my hand to the right side of my brown bedside table where my alarm clock was placed doing it's normal anooying morning routline ringing sound! I threw it across my room where it hit my on suit bathroom door with a loud "BAnGG!'' I opened my eyes they were stinging due to the light that was coming throught my hot pink room blinds.

I forced my way out of bed and lazely walked past the boxes of my belongings that were all sealed up thats when it hit me ,I remembered that we were moving out of this house today. But for some odd reason I did not feel upset at all I was actually excited...Me and my mummy will have a new fresh start today as we will be moving to a place that I have never heard of called 'Southport'. I feel slightly nervous thinking about the fact that am I going to like this new place that I will be moving to or will I hate it!

I grab a towel and I quickly take a random outfit out of my suitcase which is at the top neatly folded up. I go in my bathroom have a shower and get into my clothes. I am wearing a pair of ice blue denim skinny jeans with a black buttoned up top which has white lace on the shoulders with studded collars, to complete my outfit I put a pair of back converse shoes on with ankle socks. I blow-dry my hair and throw my silky brown hair into a messy bun. I then put some makeup on Mascara and some topliner to make my hazel eyes stand out which complete's my look.

Just when I'm about to walk out of my room with the 2 boxes which are filled with my belongings. The smell hits me my mummy's homemade pancakes, I carry the 2 heavy boxes carefully walking down the stairs into the hall way. I drop the boxes into a corner by the stairs where there is a pile of other card board boxes filled with household things and ect.

I sprint my way towards the kitchen, which is on the right hand side straight down the hallway. The more I'de get closer to the kitchen the more I was drooling as the aroma would fill my lungs. Just when I get to the kitchen I see my mummy by the cooker making pancakes.

My mummy turn's around and jumps with a fright she place's her hand over her heart " Ohh Hope darling you scared the life out of me, I was just about to call you downstairs to have some pancakes which I specially made for you as I know that you love them!". I smile at my mummy with a big wide grin on my face I go up to and pull her into a big bear hug ''Awhh thanks mummy, you know me to well". Then I greedily take my pancakes and stuff my mouth full of them then I said to my mummy ''Mmmmm mummy they are delicious!'' bits of pancake were falling out of my mouth onto the kitchen floor. ''Hope darling go sit you're self down on the kitchen stool , you're getting bits of pancake on the floor, I don't want to be leaving this house looking like a mess''. Than she kissed my forehead and walked off leaving the kitchen ,with me standing there with my plate of delicious pancakes by the cooker.

I walk over to the dinning table and place my plate on the table. However, before I could sit down on the kitchen stool, I felt someone jump on me from behind my back. Just then I was about to hit the kitchen floor I held on the dining table for support so I do not fall down. I turn around to see who it is, its my my best friend Rebecca. Who is making her way off the kitchen floor rubbing her bottom.

I put my hands on my hips while I observe her getting off the floor , Rebecca look's at me with a guilty look on her face. '' Sorryyy Hope I was just trying to surprise you, I didn't mean to jump on you that hard''. I look at the expressing on Rebecca's face and burst out laughing '' The expression on you're face was priceless, it's okay you're apology is accepted now come join me and have some pancakes''.

I sit on the kitchen stool & tap the seat next to me gesturing her to sit down. Rebecca sits next to me on the stool both of us start munching on the pancakes. It was silent Rebecca looked upset her eyes were watery. I put my arm around Rebecca to comfort her '' You look so down what wrong Rebecca?''. Rebecca looked up at me tears pouring down her face '' I'm going to miss you so much Hope, you have always been my best friend from day one ever since we were children. I don't know what I'm going to do with out you when you are gone. I'm so grateful to have a best friend like you. When you leave for Southport please don't forget me and you better stay in contact with me. I don't want to lose someone so special like you!'' Tears were stinging my eyes making there way down my face, I pulled Rebecca into a tight hug we both started crying even more.

I didn't want to see Rebecca upset before I leave to lighten the mood I wiped Rebecca's salty tears off her face. ''Rebecca stop being a cry baby ( in a jokey way) crying doesn't suit you where's the happy bubbly Rebecca gone that I know!'' She gives me a sad smile I continue '' What made you think that I was going to forget you, I love you too bits and your the best friend and sister I could ever ask for. I will text you everyday I promise and when ever I get a chance I will always come to visit.'' Rebecca gave me a smile and pull's me into a hug.

Just then my mummy enter's the room she gave Rebecca a warm smile and a motherly hug. then she look's at me '' Hope darling its time to leave now, I've uploaded all our boxes and suitcases in the car.'' We all make our way down the hall way and out into the warm fresh summer breeze. My mum took the house keys out of her pocket before she lock's the doorshe took one more look into the empty house. She looked sad but than she gathers the courage to close the door she locks it she than smiles. I didn't know what my mummy was thinking I was confused.

I than turn to Rebecca say my last good byes and made my way towards my mums red mini copper. Where she was waiting patiently for me in the drivers seat. I enter the car into the passengers seat and put my seat belt on. Before my mum starts the car up to leave the driveway I hold her hand ''Mummy we can do this together, we will have have a fresh new start when we are in Southport you are not alone''. My mum gave me a warm smile and kissed my forehead my mummy starts the car up. When we where out of the drive way, I turn around to see Rebecca making her way out of the driveway. I wave at her she gives me a smile and waves back. I than look forward and closed my eyes.


Hey guys I hope you liked my first chapter there is still more to come... XD

This chapter took me ages to write as my watt pad app stopped working on my phone which I was really disappointed about... but the good news is I still found a way to continue it.

My next chapter Will be out soon!!

Please dont be a silent readers.. comment and tell me what you think of this chapter And Pleasee Voted it will be well appreciated
Thank you :]x

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