first day of Campus

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Here i am in my new room at Campus i look forward to meet new people and maybe a girlfriend. I start to unpack my last things when another boy comes in and introduce himself as Carson. "I'm Matthew" i anounce.
"So i hope you're not one of this rich people because i can't stand them" i laugh "no i'm not" and i get back to unpack my last things.

"So you are new here aren't you? Yes i am." I look at him he is small and has muscles on the right places comepared to me he is like huge altough i'm taller then him but skinnier. "Okay i'm here for a year already so yeah it is really fun here if you meet the right people and of course there are some assholes but that's on every campus the same. Anyway i have a few rules, i saw you smoke so thats okay because i do too but please smoke outside." I nod in agreement. "Rule number two is you can have sex but don't be to loud and the last rule have fun." He smiles "i can live with that. Great"

After a while we both walk to the tv and internet room. "Hey Cars" i hear a few voices shouting. "Hey guys meet my new roommate Matthew. Matthew this are james and Jim my bestfriends on campus" i smile and shake their hands "do you mind if i call you Matt?" James ask "you can call me anything you want." He laughs.

After a nice first day i go back to my room and take a shower. James,Jim and Carson are really nice i like them plus they would be great friends.
When i'm done showering i light up a ciggarette. This is going to be a great year.

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