Becky's Son.

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That night i dream about the same thing that i have for years. A beautiful girl standing in front of me hugging and kissing me, my girlfriend. It always end the same she kissis me goodbye and goes to sleep and thats when i wake up again.

I rub my eyes and see that Cars is still asleep so i decide to walk around the Campus it is beautiful here just like simi valley but prettier. I walk across the bridge over the lake. I see people laughing at a joke someone made.
I walk by "hey dude i heard that you're new here" i smile. "Yes i am, why? Well you look like an awesome dude so i am Theo and this is my girlfriend Amy and her brother Dean" Theo reminds me about a story that my mom told she is friends with the famous writer Becky kinnaird, she also has a son named Theo. "I'm Matthew but you can call me Matt, by the way you remind me of the son from Becky Kinnaird." He smiles and says "you are looking at him" and i laugh "so Amy and Dean here just told me that you are the oldest son of the actress Anne dearing" i nod. I love my mom don't get me wrong but i just don't want people to know me just because my mom is an Actress. "Yes i am, my mom told me much stories about how she and your mom are friends" i say "yeah my mom tells also stories of your mom being her bestfriend. It's kinda annoying but i still love her for being her truth self having fun with your mom" we all laugh.

A few hours later Theo walks with me back to my room. When we step inside i see Cars, Jim and James watching a movie. Cars turns around "hey Matt who is your friend you brought to our dear hole" Theo looks at him "i'm Theo". " nice to meet you i am Cars my full name is Carson but i prefer if you just call me cars." He nods understanding. Then i introduce him to Jim and James and we join them watching the movie.

After we ate in the cafetaria at the Campus Theo says he has to go to Amy and gives me his number then he leaves.

I promised my mom to call so i do.

"Hey mom i just met Theo the son of your friend Becky"
"Oh that's great honey are you having fun there?"
"Yes it's awesome here, thankyou for letting me go to this school, hey listen mom i got to go i just got my scedule and i have English at 7:30 tomorrow so i want to sleep early"
"Okay have fun my son i'm so proud of you, oh and say hello to Theo for me i love you." My dad died a few years ago from Cancer sad story but i'm glad i have my mom and brothers and sisters.
"Okay i will mom say hello to Carter, Skyler and Tobias for me. I love you all bye."

i hang up and go back to my room getting ready for tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2015 ⏰

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