Chapter 15: Defying gravity

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I struggled not to smile as we arrived at a small, rusty looking arcade center, with a big glowing fluorescent sign hanging above us reading "No Shade Arcade." Isaiah was bursting with excitement next to me, while I gave the sign a weird look.

"This is where I go whenever I feel down, or angry or any negative emotion really. It cheers me up, makes me so much happier. I wanted to take you here with me, on our first date, so now it will remind me of you when i'm here."

He turned to me, eyes shining with a million possibilities. I finally gave in and smiled at him, grabbing his hand and pulling him toward the entrance. I heard him squeal slightly behind me and rolled my eyes. Dweeb.

When we got inside, I looked around in awe. The games were lit up brightly, the different noises combining to make an exciting atmosphere. The carpet was speckled and worn, like it had been used too much over the years.

A line of games went from where we stood to a wall in the back, and the wall to my left was lined with games as well. To my right was the prize counter, where a tall, handsome fashionable looking guy stood leaning over counter reading something.

Isaiah pulled me along this time, walking toward the counter and fashionable reading man, who looked up as we approached.

"Isaiah! Long time no see honey, where you been?" Isaiah released my hand and gave the guy, who proved to be more attractive in the light, as he stepped from behind the counter.

"Oh, i've been around. Haven't really needed much cheering up lately. I've missed you though! You know that...guy I told you about a little while ago?" The guy nods, giving me a glance.

"Well, Ryan, this is Darby. But I call him muffin because that name is ridiculous." Ryan smacked Isaiah on the back of the head, then shooed him out of the way and smiled at me.

"It's great to meet you! My name is Ryan as you heard, and my boyfriend and I own this arcade." I put my hand out for him to shake, but he pulled me in for a hug instead, making me grunt in surprise.

"We don't shake hands here child! We hug it out, come on hug it out!" I wiggled until he let me go, huffing and straightening my clothes, giving him a scowl.

"I really wish you wouldn't do that in the future, please. And why did you name this place 'No Shade Arcade?' " This just made him smirk, his light brown eyes crinkling slightly.

"You were right izzy, he is adorable when he's angry." Oh for the love of-he didn't answer my question!

"I know, right?! I told you. Where's Clark?" Isaiah asked, while I crossed my arms with a pout at being ignored. I also assume 'Clark' is the boyfriend.

"Oh he's out right now, doin' things." Ryan responded vaguely, waving his hand.

"Alright. Well, muffin and I are going to continue on our date. Goodbye!" He grabbed my hand again, and Ryan gave me a wink as we walked away. I looked away uncomfortably, not used to having attractive guys winking at me. Besides Isaiah of course.

"Isaiah, w-"

"Shh, just follow me." He said, dragging me along with a smile in his voice. I followed silently, eyes wandering around at the stylishly set up arcade, as Isaiah led us around the corner to a ski ball section in the back. I eyed it with a raised eyebrow as Isaiah slipped some tokens out of his pocket and slipped them into the slot of one.

"When did you get those, hm? Planning this were you?" I said, crossing my arms again. He smiled, standing up straight and running a hand through his hair. Oh my. Biceps and blue eyes and swishy brown hair and oh my oh my oh my. I need to stop-no he needs to stop. Damn.

"Nah, Ryan slipped me them when you weren't looking. Now, I have a proposition for you."

"And what's that?" I expected him to say, 'If I win I get a kiss' or something cliche and cheesy like that.

"If I win, you tell me your story. All of it, with Trey and everything." I gulped, looking up at him with wide eyes, picking at my sleeve.

"A-and if I win?" I stammered. He moved closer, exhaling with a smile.

"Well, that's for you to decide isn't it?"

"But this isn't fair, you told me you come here often, meaning you'll have the upper hand in this game." I said, hoping to get out of this.

"Fair enough. You get double points for every ball you make in, and i'll get the normal amount." I nodded, still nervous.

"Why are we doing this again?" I picked up a ball, biting my lip as he stood closer to me, unnerving me.

"What better way to get to know each other, than with a game?"

"I could think of a few." I mumbled to myself as I threw the ball down the little runway, watching in anticipation as it bounced up and sunk in the last row, making me ten points, or twenty rather. I scowled at it, turning as I heard Isaiah snicker. He was biting his fist to keep from laughing. Jerk.

"Don't worry muffin, i'm sure you'll get it." That cocky little shit.

Ten minutes and several balls later, Isaiah was laughing his ass off and my face was red with anger and chagrin.

"Shut up Isaiah! I told you this was rigged from the start!" I shouted, and he wiped tears from his eyes. The score stood at 230 to 80, take a wild guess in whose favor.

"No, it wasn't I swear! You even had a double point advantage!" He retorted, sitting down on the lane. I sat down on the lane next him, pouting heavily.

"Aw come on, it ain't so bad muffin. If you really don't want to tell me, you don't have to." I looked over at him, watching with a warm feeling as the bright, flashing arcade lights danced across his features.

His eyes were bright as usual, with a tinge of sadness in them. He was leaning toward me, his weight on his arm. There were a few other kids here, but it didn't feel that way. Why does it always feel like we're alone when we're together? I just...don't notice anyone else when i'm looking at him.

"No, I...I'll tell you. What exactly is it that you want to know about me?"

"Everything. From your childhood memories to your first crush, to your dreams and all of the above."

And that's what we talked about.I told what I remembered from my younger days, to what happened with Trey seeing as he was my first crush, to everything I dreamed of doing and everywhere I dreamed of going. He just watched me and listened, and halfway through somehow his hand found mine, and I didn't mind so much.

When I finished, he just sort of smiled softly at me. For once I couldn't tell what he was thinking, and for once I didn't care.


"Hm?" Our eyes stayed locked, and somehow I knew what he was going to say before he said it.

"I think i'm in love with you. Is that okay?" A feeling of happiness spread through me, of contentment, like looking up at the sky at night and listening to the sounds around you, forgetting the world existed.

"Yeah. And I think i'm in love with you too." He beamed, the joy and relief on his face so clear.

"I'm going to kiss you now." I nodded, and seconds later our lips met, and this time I wasn't unsure of anything that was happening between us. His lips felt like they were supposed to be on mine, and no one else's. I felt out of breath when he pulled away, but it was only seconds long. God, Isaiah took my breath away. How cliche is that?

We looked at each other, and simultaneously smiled. Finally. This whole time I felt like I was waiting for something, someone, and I was too busy being sad and angry to realize he was trying to get my attention this whole time.

I was just too blind to see it was him I have been waiting for. Some might say proclamations of love on the first date is too soon, that it will never work. But it feels like it's been long enough, like enough time has been wasted without each other.

And I don't want to wast any more time, unless i'm wasting it with him.


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