Dear Auntie Jen,
I feel like being fat is ruining my life. There are a lot of problems in my life, and they go kind of like a circle. Here, I'll explain. I am fat because I am depressed. I'm depressed because I have problems. One of my problems is weight. I'm trying to starve myself, but it's so hard- I get so weak, and I have already lost 43 pounds. It's still not enough. I'm huge, and I can't stop eating once I start... what do I do? Like all the commercials say, I've tried everything! Please help me.
Dear Flower,
No, no, NO! Starvation is NEVER the answer. People have probably told you this already, but really, you can kill yourself. It sounds like you are vulnerable to anorexia nervosa. I've had my encounter with ANA, first hand and second hand- and let me tell you, it's not a glamorous life at all. What you've lost is enough already; more than enough. Getting weak is only one side effect. Carry on like this, and you'll start losing your hair, you'll start fainting, and basically your whole system will just crash. Please listen. Firstly, whilst I have no clue what you look like, I'm sure you aren't that morbidly overweight especially considering the weight you've already lost. If you really want to lose weight, eat healthier and exercise a reasonable amount of time three times a week- just be careful not to overdo it. I recommend talking to someone who can help you. Do you take anti-depressants for your depression? Talk to the doctor who prescribes those, and if you're in therapy, talk to your therapist. Otherwise, just speak with your mother, father, friends, or a sibling. Even your school councilor will listen to you. Trust me, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. Listen to the song Promise by Emma Blackery on YouTube. YOU ARE CAPABLE, JUST BELIEVE IN YOURSELF AND NOBODY ELSE! If you died, my heart would break. Listen to me, okay? See someone, and eat, sweetheart, eat. Please.
~Your Auntie Jen~
Ok, here's the thing- one of my best friends just told me that he likes me. Well, I like him too; but I've never had a boyfriend before. We already had a fling, but it didn't work and we're at that same stage again. I want to go out with him, but my friends are bugging me about it and saying I should go out with him. I want too, but they keep bugging me. I don't know what to do... I don't know how to tell him how I feel, because like I've said, I've never had a boyfriend before.
-Signed, Sweatart Sweatart
Dear Sweatart,
A simple problem, but trust me- I know- a puzzling one. Firstly, tell your friends to please stop. If they don't, well... They're not very good friends, are they? And here comes the good part: talk to that boy. To eliminate any nerves, think of him not as a potential boyfriend, but the good friend he always has been. That should make it easier to talk to him. Just spill it all out- you like him too, right? But remember, just ask yourself. Are you scared of being with him? After last time, I mean, could that be why you're a little hesitant?
~Your Auntie Jen~
Column's by OnceUponARainyDay
My mother and I are really close. I am 15. There is only one problem- she doesn't know I go out with boys. She is always telling her friends that I am different and not interested in that sort of thing, but I want to know if I should tell her. The one other time I lied to her, she cried because I kept a secret from her. I need help.
Hello Anon, here is my advice:
Tell her. I know that it might seem strange, but I'm sure she will understand if you two are as close as you say you are. Most moms will understand that you are interested in guys and are dating them. Just remember to not let the anxiety get to you before you tell her. It may seem like a big deal at first when you tell her, but I'm very sure that all will be resolved.
I hope this helps!
Column by 2manyfandoms2count

This Is Me Magazine Issue Two
Novela JuvenilHey everybody, so this is a new magazine me and some of my wattpad friends came up with. We will have the following columns. Interviews, Advice, Book and Author of the Week, Book Reviews, Weekly Question and Quote, Talking Nerdy , Embarrassing Stori...