Chapter Two

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Tom and Harry drop their controls. Danny's head shoots up.

"Dougie?" Harry calls out cautiously moving toward the bunks. Dougie came running into him causing them both to tumble to the floor. Lying on the floor beside Dougie Harry asks him "what happened?"

"Baby" Dougie whispers "there's a baby in my bunk"

Tom and Danny stand up in shock. "A baby?" Danny asks

Dougie's eyes widen he hits danny on the leg "shh! you'll wake it up" Dougie tells him with his finger over his lips. The three guys leave Dougie lying on the floor as they go over to Dougie's bunk to see the baby. "Guys" Dougie calls after them.

"Aww, it's so cute" Tom says, tilting his head.

"Look there's a note" Harry says, taking hold of the piece of paper which was left beside the baby. They return to the living area with the note. "Did you see it?" Dougie asks, now sitting on the seat.

"Yep, we found a note too" Danny tells him.

All three guys sat beside Dougie and opened the note.

Dear McFly,

If you're reading this I guess it means you've found him, the baby. Remember when you were in New York? Well long story short the baby is one of yours. I'm sorry, I don't know which one all I remembered was that you're in a band. I know this will probably be a shock to you and if you don't believe me, I'm sure you can get a DNA test. The reason I am giving you our baby is because I recently found out I don't have long to live. Please take good care of him.


You could hear a pin drop, absolute silence. They sat there staring at the note in utter shock. It must have been 5 minutes, at least, before anyone said anything.

"What are we gonna do?" Danny asks

Harry looked at Dougie. "What?" Dougie asks

"The masseuse" Harry says

"No" Dougie laughs "I wore a condom"

"No Dougie, they're only like 97% effective" Tom explained

"What?" You could see the shock grow on Dougie's face.

"There must've been a hole in it or something mate" Danny says. It wasn't helping, Dougie looked like he was about to puke.

"You okay?" Harry asks, placing his hand on Dougie's shoulder.

"No" Dougie says

"It's okay, we'll book a DNA test" Tom says

"For all of us?" Dougie asks, looking at them all.

"But none of us-" Tom started

"If you want us all to get tested with you, then we will" Danny reassures him.

"Shit" Dougie's head fell into his hands.

"I think maybe you should lie down" Harry says to Dougie

"I can't the baby's in my bunk" Dougie says muffled into his hands.

They hear the baby start to cry. Looking at each other with faces of panic. "What do we do?" Danny says.

"Oh wait, I'll just get the in instruction manual out" Harry says , sassy as ever.

"He might want food" Tom suggests.


Tom stands in front of the fridge with the milk carton in his hand, staring at it he asks "How are we gonna feed him?"

"Oh... " Danny starts to search through the cupboards for something they could use, he finds one of those reusable water bottles you take to the gym. While the guys were figuring out how to feed the baby, Dougie was still sat in the living area looking overwhelmed. Rocking back and forth with his hands on his head, completely freaking out.

"Do you think we'll have to heat the milk up?" Harry asks

"Will it not burn its tongue?" Danny asks

"I think you just make it warm" Tom says, putting some milk in the microwave.

They returned to the baby, which was still crying, in Dougie's bunk with the bottle of milk. "Pick him up then" Danny says, to Tom.

"I can't!" Tom whines


"I don't wanna break him!"
"For god's sake" Harry complained pushing the milk into Tom's hands and gently taking hold of the baby. They walked over to living area and sat down together. Harry and the baby sat between Tom and Danny, Dougie sat opposite. As Harry sat feeding the baby the milk he looked so content "Aww, Doug he has your blonde hair" Harry smiles.

Causing Dougie to immediately run to the toilet, from where they sat Tom, Harry and Danny could hear vomiting noises.

"I hope he'll be okay" Tom says.

"I'm sure he'll be fine. After the DNA test, if it turns out to be his, I'm sure they'll get settled fine. I think he's just in shock" Harry says.

"Wait!" Danny says "we should keep this baby between the four of us"

"What, forever?" Tom exclaims.

"No, just until after the DNA test, incase the baby turns out not to be his we'll have to give it to social services or something" Danny explains.

"Oh yeah, good idea" Tom nods.

"Hang on, how are we gonna hide a baby?" Harry asks. This left the guys stumped, until Dougie came walking back in, looking a little pale, Tom had an idea.

"Listen Doug, we've came up with the idea to keep the baby secret until after the DNA test, you know in case the baby doesn't turn out to be yours" Tom informs Dougie.

"Or any of yours" Dougie adds.

"Look, I don't really think it would be any of ours" Tom tells Dougie.

"We're all getting tested" Dougie presses.

"Anyway... " Tom continues to tell them his idea "saying as Dougie is the only one that lives alone and is the most likely... suspect, it'd probably be best if the baby stays at his until we can all get tested."

Dougie began to panic again "what?!"

"It'll only be for a day or two until we can get the DNA test but then if the baby turns out to be yours then it'll be permanent" Tom carried on.

Dougie's panic grows "permanent? Look guys, I don't think I can do this, I mean most people get nine months to prepare, I've been given 9 seconds! What will Ellie say? Oh my god, what will Ellie say?" He collapses onto the seat with his hands over his face. "My life is ruined."

"Hey, Doug. Don't think like that" Harry comforts him, handing the baby to Danny and sitting beside Dougie putting his arms around him "we'll be here for you"

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