Chapter Eight

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Dougie walks into the hallway where Tom is, leaving Ellie on the sofa with Blaize. "Why did Gi run out so fast?" Dougie asks.
"I don't know"
"She looked like she'd seen a ghost" Dougie says before returning back to Ellie to try and help her calm down Blaize. What Dougie said, makes Tom puzzled 'why did she run out like that? Was it something I said-'
"Dude can you come and help us, he won't stop crying" Dougie shouts, pulling Tom out of his thoughts.
"Just a minute" Tom says, going into the kitchen to pour Gi's mug of coffee down the sink then returning to the living room to help Ellie and Dougie out.

After 15 minutes of loud, high pitched screams Dougie, Ellie and Tom are almost in tears themselves.
"I think he's broken" Dougie says.
"He can't be broken he's a human, it's not like he's full of wires and stuff" Tom tells him.
"What if he is?" Dougie questions "What if he's from a spaceship or something and he's lost a microchip and now he can't stop crying"
Dougie's 'theory' makes Ellie and Tom burst into laughter.
"Dougie" Ellie laughs "you are really something special"

That's when there was a knock at the door. "See that's the mother ship now, don't answer it Tom!" Dougie warns Tom who was already walking out the room to answer the door. Tom ignores Dougie's crazy theory, but before he answers the door he looks through the peep hole on the door just to be sure. "Unless aliens look like Harry and Izzy Judd, I think we're okay" Tom shouts back to Dougie.
"It still won't explain why he won't stop crying" Dougie says in a quieter tone, so Tom doesn't her him.
"Dougie, crying is what babies do best, don't worry he's not an alien" Ellie reassures Dougie, holding in her laugh as best she can.

Tom opens his door to Harry and Izzy and invites them inside. Tom notices Izzy is holding a little fluffy toy.
"It's just a little present for Blaize" Izzy says to Tom, looking at the toy.
"Aw that's nice" Tom says, following behind them as the walk into the living room.

Dougie spots Harry walking into the room, he rushes towards him, takes hold of his shirt in his fists. Harry looks a little startled. "Harry, please you have to help us. He won't stop crying" Dougie practically cries into his chest. Harry puts both his arms around his best friend "shh, shh, why don't you come with me, looks like you need a little break"
Dougie nods against Harry's chest and they both begin to walk out the room. Tom looks up knitting his eyebrows. "How come he gets a break! Me and Ellie need one too!" Tom protests, Ellie nods along with him.
"You all go have a break, we'll look after Blaize for now, won't we Harry" Izzy looks at Harry, not giving him much of a choice.

Before leaving the room Ellie gently hands Blaize over to Izzy, she takes a seat with him on the sofa beside Harry. Beginning to softly stroke his head, she hums away quietly, Harry marvels at Izzy as she manages to calm Blaize down. Dougie, Ellie and Tom pop their heads round the doorframe. "Have I gone deaf, or has he stopped crying?" Tom asks.
Izzy simply puts her finger over her lips to tell Tom to be quiet.
They all walk into the room, all marveling at Izzy just like Harry was before them. "How did you do it?" Dougie whispers.
"I just held him and hummed a lullaby" Izzy whispers back.
"Do you want to be his nanny?" Dougie laughs.

"It's really easy" Izzy says, slowly getting up to place Blaize back in Dougie's arms. Dougie moves away.
"Wait what if he starts crying again" he worries.
"He won't" she reassure him. "Hold out your arms" she instructs.
Dougie holds his arms way out like a person would if they were impersonating a zombie.
"No not like that, like your holding a baby" Dougie moves his arms to the right position and Izzy gently starts to move Blaize from her arms to Dougie's.
"Relax" she says. Dougie makes his arms limp.
"Not too much you don't want to drop him" she says, pulling Blaize back into her a bit.
"Like this?" Dougie asks.
She nods, moving the baby closer to him again before he's eventually in Dougie's arms. Dougie doesn't say a word as he doesn't want to disturb Blaize so he stands holding Blaize in his arms smiling down at him.

That was until they all hear the door open, then close loudly again. "Hi!" Danny shouted into the house "Gi let us in!" He continues to shout. Dougie's heart sinks when the baby begins to stir. "No, no, no!" He whispers, begging the baby not to cry, but it was to late and the baby began to cry once again. "I'm gonna kill Danny" Dougie says under his breath, Tom wasn't as discreet as Dougie about his frustration with Danny and he thought the baby was already crying so he might as well. At the top of his lungs he shouts "DANNY! I'M GONNA KILL YOU"

Danny hears Tom shout. "Shit! What have I done now?" Danny says to Georgia and Gi, Gi doesn't take much notice she just runs upstairs and is out of view before Tom comes storming into the hallway. "We just got him settled then you and your big mouth invite yourselves into my house and make him cry again!" Tom complains to Danny.
"Sorry mate, I didn't know" Danny defends himself.
Tom storms back into the living room quickly taking Blaize out of Dougie's arms. "What you doing?" Dougie protests.
Tom doesn't answer he just quickly walks back out the room, with such an angry look on his face. He shoves Blaize, as gently as possible, into Danny's arms "there you go! You take care of him, we're all taking a break" and with that Tom runs upstairs. Danny's left standing in the hallway with Georgia and a very loud Blaize. "So this is Blaize then?" Georgia says "nice to meet you" she smiles holding his hand. Dougie, Ellie, Harry and Izzy all come out the living room into the hallway and keep walking until their at the front door "where you all going?" Danny asks
"You heard Tom, we deserve a break me and Ellie have been up since five in the morning, see ya!" Dougie says smiling, excited by the thought of getting a few hours of peace. They were all out the front door before Danny could protest anymore.

Meanwhile Tom was upstairs knocking on the bathroom door as Gi was inside. "Hi it's me, you almost done?" He shouts through the door.
"Er... yeah, I won't be long" Gi shouts back. Around a minute later Gi came walking out the bathroom, with half a smile on her face. "You okay?" Tom asks, concerned. "Yeah, sure, I'm fine, I'm great" Gi rambles. "I'm just have to go out for something, won't be long" she says rushing to the top of the stairs.
"Again?" Tom asks.
"But you just got back" Tom says, but she was out of earshot before he said it, and Tom hears the door swing shut again along with the distant cry of Blaize. He slouches slowly walking to the bedroom, climbing into bed and throwing the duvet over his head.


It's around 2 P.M. and everyone is back in Toms living room with Blaize listening to Harry who stands in front of them all talking to them. "Guys, this routine of passing the baby on to whoever comes through the door next isn't gonna work"
Everyone looks down and nods in shame. Harry looks at Dougie "after the DNA test tomorrow, if he's yours you are going to have to take full responsibility of him. We'll always be here to help you, but you have to learn how to look after him yourself." Dougie nods, then Ellie chips in "and I'll always be here too Doug"

Everyone is looking at Dougie so Gi takes the opportunity to sneak out the room, she quietly ran up the stairs, locking herself in the bathroom again, no one notices she's gone.
"Once I get used to looking after a baby, it'll be easy, right?" Dougie stays positive.
"Yeah, sure" echos around the room.



veryone is chatting away having a good time, when finally someone notices Gi has gone. "Where is Gi?" Georgia asks.
"She's been weird all day" Tom adds "I'm gonna check up stairs" he gets up and walks out the room to go looking for Gi.

Tom is once again stood outside the bathroom knocking on the door "Gi, it's me, are you sure you're okay?" Tom doesn't hear anything again for, what to him seems like ages. So he goes to knock on the door again when he hears it being unlocked from the inside.

He looks at Gi's face, full of sadness her eyes on the verge of crying. "Gi what's wrong" he asks, really concerned now. She begins to laugh, she unexpectedly jumps into his arms making him stumble back a little when she does so. Tom doesn't understand what was going on. Gi slides back down so her feet touch the ground still laughing she looks up at Tom. "You were trying to fool me" he says, Gi laughs some more as she nods before taking hold of Tom's hands in hers along with a deep breath.
"Tom" she says.
"What?!" He almost begs her to tell him.
"I'm pregnent" she smiles.

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