• T H R E E •

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Dedicated to: @hellbound-
Thanks for being an awesome reader!

"Ok, we should probably explain how things work around here," Luke says, snatching the pillow. "Seeing that there are only about ten seconds before the bell rings."

My eyes widen. "I need to rub then, I have never been late to one of my classes."

And with that, I grab my backpack and sprint through the halls when I realize, after looking at my schedule, first period is labelled as free time. And that absolutely no one is in the halls.

Hm, I could get used to this school flipping quickly.

A small smile starts to form, before I realize that I have absolutely no idea where the flipsticks I am. And so what do I do? I slide against the hall, take out my latest book, and start reading.

Again: I am not a nerd.


"Daria! There you are! Come on guys I found her!" Kyle exclaims.

"Shhh," I say, continuing to read. "This is the end!"

Come on, I had about fifty pages left.

Kyle sighs and walks around and I hear more voices, but I need to figure out if this guy died or not. I mean, I may or may not have a crush on him.

Pause. Stop looking at me weird. Fictional guys are the best.

"Oh my god! Are you reading what I think you're reading?" Lola squeals sliding down besides me, right after I shut the book close.

Yes I'm a fast reader, now stop the weird looks again.

I smile. "Yep!" I squeal back.

"Ladies, ladies, do not, I repeat, do not start fangirling over that book. Looking for you has been fuc -," Caroline says but I literally shoot up and close her mouth.

"No cussing young lady," I warn with a threatening voice, before all five of us burst out laughing. "But seriously though, don't."

Caroline rolls her eyes, but there's a smile on her face.

"But guys, we seriously should tell Daria about how things work around here," Luke says.

Kyle whines. "But that's so much work! Plus, you are the nerd of the group, you do it."

"Ok then, but really there isn't that much to explain. So Daria," Luke faces towards me. "Basically this school is run by stereotypes and each student has to be part of a particular one. Once you join a stereotype, you need to follow it - not even a single hole can be found. But then there are people like us who don't fit anywhere. And I might want to mention, each grade level has their own building."

I nod. "Well, good thing I backed out of the nerd stereotype because I cannot ever imagine myself enjoying homework." I shudder at the thought. "Or math for that matter."

"But really, none of this really is fair is it? No matter what the stereotype, there never is a true stereotypical person. That means the students of the school are changing themselves to please the school and to hold a reputation? That's sad."

I catch my breath. After my mini-speech, the four members stare at me. "That only leaves on solution," I continue. "We need to break this high school of its stereotype spell!"

Stereotype HighWhere stories live. Discover now