Chapter Nine--Midnight Call

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Avery snored in her sleep, not very loudly, but she had a cute little nose whistle that kept me awake. I don't think I had seen anything more peaceful as her in her sleep; she lay curled up into a ball as close to me as she could get without being attached to me. She didn't seem like she wanted to be touched in her sleep; every time I had tried to pull her in to me during the night, her body flinched violently. Yet, it was like she was still desperate to be close to me, like she craved the heat radiating from me under the covers.

As creepy as it sounded, I sat there for a while and just admired her through the streams of moonlight that trickled in through the curtains and bled out onto her porcelain face. She was starting to grow on me a bit, but it was dangerous. Her even being here right now was a risk. As much as I kept telling myself that I couldn't get involved with her and her with me, the more I wanted to get involved. There was a big part of me that yearned for the dangerous things in life and that explained why I chose the line of work I was in, as shady as it was. But I don't know what I would do if she got mixed up in all of it; she was too small for that, too precious. But oh, how I wanted her more and more as the hours ticked by in sweet silence.

Something made me jump out of nowhere. The startling sound of my phone buzzing against the surface of my end table woke me up from my lingering state between sleep and awake. I reached over quickly, hoping that she would sleep through it, but was immediately drained when I saw the reason for the buzzing.

I slid the lock on the phone and lifted it to my ear, rubbing my eyes irritatedly. I was not ready for any of this, not right now. Not this late at night and not with her here. But that was the nature of the job: be ready at all hours for anything and everything. I guess in the back of my head, I knew there was a possibility that something like this would happen with her around, but the conscious part of my brain hoped to God it wouldn't.


"Mike. Dude, wake up."

"What, Calum?" The irritation broke through in my tone, even though I didn't mean for it to. I felt bad. I mean, this was Calum. He wasn't exactly as cut out for this business as the rest of us were. Calum seemed like it was something he had stumbled upon by accident and then just got too far into it to back out.

"Sorry, it's just that a call came in. You need to get here now."

"Alright, I'm on my way."

I hung up with Calum quickly; truth be told I just wanted to get this all over and done with.

I took a second and stared up at the ceiling, giving myself a small second to reel myself in. I let out a heavy sigh and turned to the peaceful body lying next to me. Her nose whistle had dulled to a light, delicate tune; her chest rose and fell in tiny motions and her eyelashes just barely brushed against her cheekbones as her eyes scrunched up tight as she dreamt. I hoped she was dreaming about beautiful things; someone as beautiful as her deserved only the sweetest of dreams.

If I looked at her any longer, I knew I would never make it out the door and that would be something I would live to regret. I lifted the covers off of me slowly, trying not to disturb Avery. I slung my legs over the side of the bed and lifted myself to life, quickly throwing on my denim jacket with not even an ounce of care.

Just as I turned to leave, a tiny voice in my head made me turn around one more time. I just couldn't get over how stunning she was, even in sleep. But then again, she had captivated me from that day in the backyard. I had seemed to seal my fate with a lit cigarette that night, but I didn't regret it. Looking at her here tonight, I could never regret it.

I was taken with her, it was official. But I guess I never stood a chance.

I leaned down to move a stray hair that lay in front of her eyes and nose. Just as I brushed it to the side, she scrunched up her nose and let out a small giggle. A tiny smile lifted the ends of her mouth in her sleep. She tugged at my heart a bit, even as she slept. As I turned to force myself out the door, Avery let out a small sigh.


I kept telling myself not to get too close. Don't get to close Michael, you can't. Don't bring her into this.

But hearing her call my name in her sleep just made it that much harder.

As much as I knew that her ending up with me couldn't have a happy end, I still wanted her. I wish my head could have overruled my heart, but in the end, her pull was just too strong.

And I was going under.


Sorry guys it a bit short. Just wanted to give you an insight as to how Michael is starting to feel about her. He's not used to getting mixed up with people because it's too dangerous, but with her he can't help it. His walls are built high and it'll be hard for her to really get in, but she's getting there and she doesn't even know it. Anyways, this is just a little segway into the next chapter, which will probably be mostly Michael.

Enjoy! xx

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2015 ⏰

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