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Breath in breath out. In, out, in, out. I had to win this race! My paws were flying fast, the wind in my fur, my ears set back in determination. It was no use though, for the other pups were surging ahead with me falling back. I slowed down and came to a stop. I was panting hard, with my ears no longer back from determination but, because of failure. My sister came up to me and started to lick my fur trying to get me to calm down after the hard run. Her fur was a gorgeous golden color with sparkling emerald green eyes. Her name was Star and rightly so, for she is as bright as the closest star to earth. Me and Star were as different as night and day, but closer than wolves should ever be with another. As contrast to to my sisters gold fur mine was a bright silver color, and my eyes where an electric blue. Suddenly our biggest tormentors in the whole pack came up to us. The main pup, a brown-red rusty color named Flame, spoke up, "I knew that the moon moves slow, but I never thought that moony here was slower!" he said in a taunting voice.

Why were they calling me moony you ask, well my name is Luna. You're probably also wondering why the two pretty pups are getting bullied right? Well lets just say for now that we both have two extra limbs. My ears went back my tail went up and I let out a deep menacing growl. I looked like the alpha of death right then. Flame and his two groupies looked scared but didn't back down. To add more effect I opened and half raised my silver feathered wings. Yes wings. Now I looked like the alpha angel of death. With that they all ran off with their tails between their legs. My sister then draped her tail on my back in an attempt to calm me down. It worked. together we walked back to the den where we slept with our mentors. when we went in, Star's mentor Jay was there. "Welcome back you two." Jay greeted kindly. Jay was a wolf that reminded probably everyone in the pack of a blue jay. His coat had a blue tint to it, and his legs were white with black stripes going diagonally. His personality was always very cheerful and bubbly like a blue jay. Jay was a hunter at heart though and he was excellent at it. My mentor on the other paw was the opposite of Jay, his name was Raven. He is a large jet black wolf with amazing fighting skills. He definitely wasn't the kindest wolf in the pack either.

Speak of the devil... Raven just walked in and before I could hide he spotted me and said, "Luna come with me, you missed fighting practice yesterday and you're making it up now." he said in a not so kind voice. I knew with that tone I would not get away with not being there. I reluctantly picked my paws up and followed him out of the den. At my and the leaders special request, I trained in a different clearing and part of the forest than the other pups. The clearing all the other pups trained in was to the north of the main den's while mine was south of the main den's. It took Raven and I about ten minutes to get there, and when we did Raven went to the middle of the field and stopped. From past experiences I knew that he wanted to try to surprise attack me. He stayed silent then turned around almost too fast for me to see and lunged at me. I dodged to the right using my quick thinking and pivoting skills and rammed my chest into his from the side. Raven flew back  about a tail length then stopped and jumped up. I looked up but the sun was in my eyes and I couldn't see Raven so I leaped to the side in the nick of time. He slammed into the ground right where I had been only seconds before. I then shot my paw out and flipped him over. He wasn't expecting that and was stunned for a few seconds. I used those seconds to my advantage by rushing in and lightly nipping him twice. After he wasn't stunned anymore he leaped up and pinned me down. I looked into Raven's eyes and saw a little bit of pride in them. "You did well today Luna. You are almost as good as a full grown pack member, and I shall talk to the Alpha about what rank you should be in." Raven said proudly as he got off me.

For a moment there was a ear shattering howl that got abruptly cut off. Raven and I looked at each other then raced off back to the den sites. When we got there both of us stopped in surprise. Fire and screaming wolves were all I saw. Dogs and men with guns, and torches were running around everywhere. I watched stunned as my pack-mates fell all around me screaming for help or death. I snapped back to reality as Raven pushed me away with Jay pushing an equally as stunned Star towards me. They both pushed us back into the woods, while telling us to stay there. Seeing my sister still too stunned to move I grabbed her scruff and pulled her with me deeper into the woods. We soon enough crossed over a river that signified the pack border and no wolf's land. After dragging my sister so long my legs were shaky and I dropped Star down and looked around. I saw an abandoned hole in some roots under a tree. I picked up Star again and dragged her towards and into the hole. It was big enough for both of us, so I pushed Star in farther and crawled in myself. As I layed down I got really drowsy and exhaustion overcame me, and my vision went blurry then black.

A/N: Hey! I just wanted to say that if you put a description of a oc you have, chances are I will add them to my story! Please comment on how my story is! I'm only in seventh grade so I want to know how good I am! I don't care if they are good comments or bad ones because hey, haters gonna hate! Have a good rest of your day! 1097 words.

Sun and Moon Tails: Book 1: Star and LunaWhere stories live. Discover now