Chapter 14: Beautiful But Deadly

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A/n: I've been debating on it for a long time. But I've decided to switch Doug and Carley. So, from now on, Doug shall be in da story!

Y/n)'s pov:

"Alright, just like last time. Over the rig, into the pharmacy and scrape together whatever supplies are left." Kenny looked up at the pharmacy. Cry and I nodded and we got over on top of the car, thingy. Psh, I don't know.

I looked away as I heard the agonizing screams of the woman down the street. I entered inside and grabbed everything.

Running from zombies and almost getting eaten, we finally made it back to home. "Home sweet home."I sighed in relief.

Sighing I sat down right beside Clem. Who was drawing on a leaf. "Heyyo kiddo! Whatcha doin?" I asked.

She smiled at me. "I'm doing something from when I went on a field trip." She explained. I nodded.

I pulled her cap down to cover her face and giggled. She pouted and playfully glared at me.

Muttering words I couldn't hear she pulled her cap up and continued drawing.

I smiled and got up. "Gotta go check on Cry. See you in a bit!" I said. She nodded.

I walked away daydreaming about what comes next. I then stop in my tracks. "Lily...Doug... Clem..." I felt a pang of sadness in my heart.

"It's going to be a long day." I whispered.

Time skip... To when we enter the RV~

I jumped in and looked around. "Clem? Clem?! Oh my god. I LEFT CLEM OUT THERE." I yelled.

Cry heard me and he nodded looking for her. I jumped out of the RV without a second thought. As Cry shot the walkers on the left, I ran towards the right side of the RV.

3rd person:

(Y/n)'s eyes darken as she sees her friends and Clem in danger. She ran towards a stick with a nail stuck in it. "This will have to do." She said.

Dragging the stick behind her, she walked out in the open. Ignoring the bullets shot towards her. She dodged and blocked each one.

(Y/n) held up the stick to her eyes to block a bullet that was about to hit her head. Like slow motion, she lowered it. Her eyes darker and anger within them.

She was a beautiful but deadly person. "OH HECK TO THE NO, DID YOU TRY TO HEAD SHOT ME. NOT GONNA HAPPEN DOOD!" She yelled out.

Grabbing Cry's gun, who ran to the other side of the RV to see what was going on, she held it up.

Breathing in she took the shot. Shooting walkers, she yelled. "Cry! Hurry!" Cry darted over to Kat, Duck, and Clem. But it was too late.

A walker jumped on top of them. Cry kicked it away and quickly helped Kat and Clem up. Grabbing Duck he ran towards the RV door.

"Come on! Lily! (Y/n)! Hurry!!" (Y/n) took one more shot and jumped into the RV. Lily ran in after her and the RV crashed into the boards and they drove off.


(Y/n)'s pov:

"Lily, back off." Cry said. "You're going to let this traitor go in with us?! You found the evidence! It's enough proof as it is!!" She yelled.

"Stop this now, please, Lily." I said, holding Clem close to me. "No! I didn't think about this until now... but.. maybe YOU'RE the culprit, (y/n)." Lily accused.

I growled at her. "You think I'd do that?! The person you trusted the most?!" I said. She nodded. "It's you then, huh?!"

"Come on. (Y/n) is not involved with this! Lay off Lily!" Cry yelled. Lily shook her head. "" She pointed her gun at me and my eyes widen.

I cover Clementine and shut my eyes, ready for the pain. The bang was heard but I didn't feel anything.

My eyes opened and tears brimmed in my eyes. I slowly turned around still covering Clementine.

"D-Doug...?" I stuttered out. There he laid. Face down in the dirt with a blood wound on his back.

Cry pinned Lily and growled at her. "We're leaving this crazy b****." Kenny yelled. Ben was muttering no over and over again.

I stood there in shock. I knew this would happen. But I didn't expect that I would get involved like this.

"D-Doug......" I whispered. Then everything smashed into me like a ton of bricks.

This was my fault.

I fell onto my knees. Still staring at Doug. Tears flowed down my face and I let them. I haven't cried in a long time and this was all too much.

Clementine kneeled down next to me and hugged me. I sobbed quietly and I hug Clem back.

Cry's pov:

I glanced at (y/n) who was on the floor, crying. What do I do? She almost killed (y/n) and shot Doug!!

With the little pity I had(which was very tiny btw) I let her back into the RV. I helped (y/n) up and took her to the couch. I handcuffed Lily and Katjaa told me about Duck's condition.

'He was going to be Duck Grayson...' (Did I get that right? XD) I thought. I sighed and sat by Clem, who was cuddled up against (y/n).

I soon fell asleep after hearing (y/n)'s story about how she was a cool person in her school when she was little. We all fell asleep right after that.

(Y/n)'s pov:

I heard Clementine groan. I looked at her with concern. She looked up to me with cold... Dead... Eyes. She tried to eat me and I was screaming for help.

No one heard me.

Before she was about to eat me, I woke up. Cry was there looking at me worried. "Is it... The dream?" He whispered. I nodded and held my hand to my chest.

My heart was beating. Cry came closer to me and wiped the tears I did not know I let loose. He was so close, that I felt his warm breath mix with my fast breathing.

My heart pounded faster and faster and I think I felt myself blush...?

He stared at me and behind that poker faced mask, I could see deep blue eyes.

He pulled away and smiled at me. He walked to the door and opened it.

I sat there. Baffled and a blushing mess.

A/n: I'm sorry for so much of the timeskips and pov changes!!! I still had some homework to do!!! But I made this a kinda long chapter just for you guys!!!

Hope you enjoyed your little moment with Cry~ ;)


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