Chapter 23: "(y/n)..."

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We sneak into Crawford and fight a few zombies as we run to the school. We found out about the boat awhile ago. But since I'm dying...

'Stop thinking that way. Live your life!' I scold myself mentally. I smile sadly at the group in front of me.

I started to feel dizzy but I ignored it. I can't pass out now...this is my only chance.

I don't know what will happen after I die...and if I die in real life like SAO...

'Globdang what's with my depressing thoughts? If I die because of one of my favorite video games I swear I will probably never play a game in my next life...' I thought.

'Screw it. I'm playing video games and I'm proud of it!' I raise my fist in a triumphant pose.

"Uhhh...(y/n)? What are you doin?" Pewds said behind me as I heard him sweatdrop.

I spin on my heel, quick. I point at him with my (s/t) finger and say, "I shall play video games in the afterlife...AND YOU CAN'T STOP MEH!" I start to yell at the end.

Marzia covers my mouth and shushes me. She starts to scold me as people look at me in amusement.

~le time skip~

We were on the roof after escaping a hoard of zambies. Molly jumps off the roof like the awesome person she is.

I follow in her footsteps but not before whispering into Cry's ear, "Don't screw up, got it? Don't want cha ending up like what you did the first time you were here." I tease.

I run full speed, ignoring the pain in my arm and legs. I jump after I take a short intake of a breath and landed in a crouched position like batman.

"BATMANNNN!" I pump my fist into the air. Cry follows and lands horribly but still made it without anything broken.

We hop down into the hole and we were in a hallway. "Come on!" Cry beckons.

"Uhhh, I got something to do!" She replies quickly.

"But you still got the battery." Cry explains.

"I'll give it to you later. See ya in class!" And she runs off. Cry and I look at each other and sigh.

"Molly is a spunky independent woman..." Cry mutters. I stop and put my hand on my hip.

"What about me?" I raise an eyebrow. He laughs nervously.

"Uhhh.........well, you don't need I guess you're not a princess?" He asks like a question.

I roll my eyes and smirk. I continue walking, Cry following behind me. Kenny yells as he and Brie shut the door. Cry sprints into action and shuts the door.

"Give me something to hold them off!" I give Cry the axe Kenny dropped. He puts it in and everyone backs away.

"You got the fuel!" Cry exclaims.

"Don't start high-fiving each other yet. We got to get these cans back." Kenny replies, grumpily.

I look at him but shook it off. We walk back into the classroom.

"You're back!" Clem exclaims, jumping into my arms. I bit back a wince as she accidentally hit the bite.

I hug her and smile. "I miss us?" I ask. She nodded. I talk to her as Cry took this chance to talk to everyone else.

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